This place makes me very happy.I meet the best people here.I love the SG Universe!Thank you Missy and whoever else made it possible.
Today I went to see my mate who is doing most of the work on my chopper.He is doing most of the work because I only do metal work and fabrication.When it comes to engines I am bloody well hopeless.If the petrol gauge is on E I can fix it,otherwise...I'm fucked.
Anyway he had just finished a chopper project and I was checking it out.It is a brilliant little bike.As I was admiring it and saying how cool it was he says"Yeah it's nice but now I have to sell the damn thing."
Me,"I thought you were building it for someone?"Jesse Chop,"I was but the guy backed out at the last minute."Me,"Hmmm,How much you want for it mate?"
So to make a long story short,I now am the proud and happy owner of my first custom chopper.I just couldn't pass up the price.Jesse was happy I bought it,so it will stay in town,and I'm happy to have it.I am still next in line to build my own chopper project and can't wait to get started.After the ego boost this morning Jesse is extra ready to build me something special.
I will send pics as soon as I can get over there again.It has been a great day.If you think I have to many bikes listen to what a cool dude in the SG Universe told me"5 bikes aint greedy,it's gettin' there."Words of wisedom mates,words of wisedom.
I'm goin' for a ride!Laters
Today I went to see my mate who is doing most of the work on my chopper.He is doing most of the work because I only do metal work and fabrication.When it comes to engines I am bloody well hopeless.If the petrol gauge is on E I can fix it,otherwise...I'm fucked.
Anyway he had just finished a chopper project and I was checking it out.It is a brilliant little bike.As I was admiring it and saying how cool it was he says"Yeah it's nice but now I have to sell the damn thing."
Me,"I thought you were building it for someone?"Jesse Chop,"I was but the guy backed out at the last minute."Me,"Hmmm,How much you want for it mate?"
So to make a long story short,I now am the proud and happy owner of my first custom chopper.I just couldn't pass up the price.Jesse was happy I bought it,so it will stay in town,and I'm happy to have it.I am still next in line to build my own chopper project and can't wait to get started.After the ego boost this morning Jesse is extra ready to build me something special.
I will send pics as soon as I can get over there again.It has been a great day.If you think I have to many bikes listen to what a cool dude in the SG Universe told me"5 bikes aint greedy,it's gettin' there."Words of wisedom mates,words of wisedom.
I'm goin' for a ride!Laters
PS Its the law to have as many bikes as possible
I think that you will find its when you stop breaking the law whilst being a biker you need to start to worry