I saw that Samihain Posted this questionare and thought it would be cool to do a blog.
1. What made you want to join SG?
I saw the Suicide Girls booth at a comic book convention (Wizard World Chicago). They had some of the books and pin-up prints that I though were cool and decided to check it out.
2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?
Once a day or so , I like to check out at least one set a day.
3. How much does SG mean to you?
It means a lot to have access to the wealth of creativity that it curates. The sets, the models blogs, the photographers work and some of the members blogs and art.
4. How can you be more involved in the community?
I think I need to post more often about sets that I like and make a concerted effort to like, comment and even boost the sets I like.
5. What would you like to see change?
The site is a great break from the other social media platforms. It is like if you are here you are committed to creativity and letting people express themselves.
6. What are the things that make you want to stay?
I have met great models , photographers and creatives here on the site. I have followed them to other conventions, sites and follow them on other social media. The site is a great introduction creatives that I continue to value.
7. What content would you want to see more of?
I need to contribute more to the site and post about my interest here.
8. How likely are you to come back once your subscription runs out? (For people who do pay, obviously.)
I will keep my subscription as long as I can. I only let it lapse , because of a credit card billing error on my behalf.
Now for my acrylic illustrations based on Japanese Tattoo themes.
I would love to see @eleonxrwild and @latexbunnii answer this questionnaire.
A hanya mask based on the Altered Carbond Re-Sleeved Anime
A pair of Kitsune masks with cherry blossoms and Hello Kitty charm.
Maple Leafs with windbars background
A Snake with Peony (this one is done with India ink pens)
A crane and chrysanthemum illustration with windbars as a background.