I have got to get into the habit of posting more blogs. I need to write , think and share. Sometimes even hanging out with friends of mine I feel better when I have fleshed out , written and even drawn . It makes me feel like I have gotten the abstracts out of my brain and I can talk about ideas that are more tangible and simple way.
I watched two movies worth noting this weekend I watch the documentary PressPausePlay and I watched Prometheus. The documentary has two opposing ideas being discussed that digital art as we know is becoming nothing but a self replicating garbage. Since we can create copy and share quickly we untalented masses are in effect polluting culture. The other idea is that we are revolutionizing culture and changing the media landscape, there is no longer the barrier of money, access to instruments and recording studios . We now have the wonderful digital tools that make us artist without needing to know the technical ins and outs , but have democratized the creative world.
I also saw Prometheus which was good sci-fi in concept , but I felt it was a bit disjointed . I do not want to give anything away , but there is a scene when someone is given a black liquid that infects them and when a living organism is exposed to the liquid , it just mutates them.
In PressPausePlay they explain that culture is now this grey sludge that is just self reproductive and it consumes all. In the movie Prometheus the black sludge gives rise to nightmares and monsters when exposed to a host biology . The black sludge in the movie could be a wonderful metaphor for human creativity and how it gives shapes to our dreams and to our nightmares in the case of the movie. I love SG for that quality , for this intensely creative place where the girls , their sets , their blogs and their redefining of beauty are the flagship, but trailing them is a set of fans , friends and supporters that are inspired by them.
Now for my creativity and growth as creative person. I choose to draw and I like it , I was trained as a draftsman in high school and it shaped me . Drafting is a means of expression that I like and being a fan of comic books it pulled me a long.
Now for my SG fan art,
My subjects (or victims, willing ones ) have been ,


I have more experience with pencil , I did those sketches and they took me a while to create . I think I can get better and I am trying to do it in my spare time. I have also started to experiment with inking and brush work. I also wanted to experiment with water colors , but I was afraid to try. Until I saw an article on how to do it with coffee. It is a cheap plentiful and easy changed water coloring medium, plus is non-toxic and it smells great.
My first coffee painting was not so great , my second turned out better .

This results made want to do more and try with actual water colors , so I went to the Fan Art thread
http://suicidegirls.com/groups/Fan+Art/topics/238677/ and found the great SG's that would like some fan art done. I humbly asked one of the hopefuls there to let me try her likeness.
so here we are now.
This is the hard part of trying something new. I honestly loved her set if you have not seen it , please check and give it love .
Summer Light
Now for my attempt at capturing her image.
I would like to apologize and say that I can try better and will try again, because I think her image deserves better . Her creativity and emotional risk deserves more of an effort in my behalf.
I honestly can tell you that when i finished I said : " oh fuck, oh fuck !, oh fuck!! oh fuck!!!!" each fuck was progressively louder and when I showed it to my brother and a friend . They gave me constructive criticism and I hope to take another pass a this water color painting.
I will scan it and post it in the art section of the site and will message let Mylene know that I have done my first pass and will try again.
Now in my next blog I will write a list of SG's or Hopefuls that I would like to try to paint or draw.
I keep trying to do this ,because it either makes me a better creative person ,and/or makes me appreciate those artist , those true artist that capture something beautiful and have mastered their medium.