Hello People ,
First of all let me say that I have been super busy being super lame. I have managed to have no social like , watch a tons of movies on netflix , do a ton of excise and mediocre art.
So in an effort to turn over a new leaf and start the year off right. I have determined to to a 365 project and share in this blog the idiocy , mediocrity , the lack of focus and the lack of attention. Why ? I hope that people will start to criticize , prod and even ridicule and inspire me to do better and to try my earnest to be a worthwhile human being that is productive, entertaining and truly creative.
Why do I think the people of SG can do all that , because I think in this site people are creative funny, intelligent and brutally honest at time (even too honest).
Now I started my 365 project with this picture.
As a family we have decided to get in better shape so , in that monumental effort to actually get fit . My brothers, my father and I have decided to redouble or efforts and workout. My brother moved back to Chicago this fall an d has started to train my father in the sweet science of Boxing. I actually decided to help my brother in that effort and trained with my father when my brother is unable to do "mitts" with the old man.
This is me after working out with my father .
I started reading and finished a book I got as a Christmas gift. The Porning of America.
I finished it and do not recommend it . I think it is an interesting read if you want to know about the attitude that some Americans have towards porn , but I found it a bit reactionary to some of the elements that are now part of our culture. I recommend it if you do not want to watch the documentary "Inside Deep Throat" . It cover a lot of the same ground and points without showing you any porn.
This is me and the book , mostly a picture of me looking smug and self satisfied.
Now I would like to close saying that I just watched an awesome documentary called "Exit Through The Gift Shop". The film is made by Banksy. A graffiti artist that is way to good for me to do justice here. I was inspired to get back into drawing after watching it.
This are just doodles that I did at work while waiting for the computer to think.
This are sketches of a design for a Munny I would like to try out. I do not know if that design will ever be made into a Munny, but it is better than the simple sketches I did .
so please comment , criticize and destroy. I missed you all and will be posting more often or trying to anyway.
First of all let me say that I have been super busy being super lame. I have managed to have no social like , watch a tons of movies on netflix , do a ton of excise and mediocre art.
So in an effort to turn over a new leaf and start the year off right. I have determined to to a 365 project and share in this blog the idiocy , mediocrity , the lack of focus and the lack of attention. Why ? I hope that people will start to criticize , prod and even ridicule and inspire me to do better and to try my earnest to be a worthwhile human being that is productive, entertaining and truly creative.
Why do I think the people of SG can do all that , because I think in this site people are creative funny, intelligent and brutally honest at time (even too honest).
Now I started my 365 project with this picture.

As a family we have decided to get in better shape so , in that monumental effort to actually get fit . My brothers, my father and I have decided to redouble or efforts and workout. My brother moved back to Chicago this fall an d has started to train my father in the sweet science of Boxing. I actually decided to help my brother in that effort and trained with my father when my brother is unable to do "mitts" with the old man.
This is me after working out with my father .

I started reading and finished a book I got as a Christmas gift. The Porning of America.

I finished it and do not recommend it . I think it is an interesting read if you want to know about the attitude that some Americans have towards porn , but I found it a bit reactionary to some of the elements that are now part of our culture. I recommend it if you do not want to watch the documentary "Inside Deep Throat" . It cover a lot of the same ground and points without showing you any porn.
This is me and the book , mostly a picture of me looking smug and self satisfied.

Now I would like to close saying that I just watched an awesome documentary called "Exit Through The Gift Shop". The film is made by Banksy. A graffiti artist that is way to good for me to do justice here. I was inspired to get back into drawing after watching it.
This are just doodles that I did at work while waiting for the computer to think.

This are sketches of a design for a Munny I would like to try out. I do not know if that design will ever be made into a Munny, but it is better than the simple sketches I did .

so please comment , criticize and destroy. I missed you all and will be posting more often or trying to anyway.
HA HA! you sound just like my friend Mike. He's more into the free weights than the machines. I wish I could a afford a gym membership. I really wanna try out that rock climbing wall. lol
she really is so super sweet .. from her personality to her super small sweet voice. i love that woman. ^_^