I have an odd memory. I mean I have a strange way recollecting things not that odd things happen to me and I remember them.
It was first brought to my attention by a former co-worker of mine that I recollected too many facts about his life. He expressed his concern about once when we were sitting down to lunch with other co-workers. The conversation went as follows. (names have been changed to protect the innocent, meaning him)
James- yeah , I am a bit concerned about my dad.
Me- How is your dad doing ?
James- well this should be fun if you guys have not say down with this guy to lunch before. What do you know about my dad?
Me- He is a divorced father of three that lives in the southern Illinois area near Saint Louis. He had a minor fall once while in the bathroom of the plant where he was working. You were not sure if it was the heat or the fact that he hit his head in the sink that cause his to lose consciousness. He is dating a woman that is a pack rat and you have expressed concern regarding the fact that she is filling up his garage with useless junk.
James- See what I mean Tim.( as he turns to Tim ) All of that is factual and I do not remember telling him some of it. First time he did that it creeped me out. I do not remember my life that well . why does he?
I realize that people do not like being broken down into a set of facts in conversation.
I was on my fourth Guinness of the night at a friend's going away party and while drinking . The following conversation occurred
Sam- hey I know you.
Me- really? I do not remember you.
Sam- you had class with one of my sisters.
Me- I am sorry I do not remember you. wait , did your younger sister go to the army?
Sam- naw ,
Tom- Dude , you have sisters.
Then I had this sudden flash of who this guy was. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Me- I remember you. Yes he has two sisters. The oldest is hottest, but the youngest is cutest. Sam went to Cooper Elementary, You were in their advanced group of bilingual students, you attended a Saturday tutoring program . You are of middle eastern ancestry and your family was only one or two generations in Mexico.
Tom- Sam !! you were advanced once? you mean this guy is smart?
Sam- Shut the fuck up.
Me- I remember the name of your home room teacher. I remember the name of the cute girl in your class that went to Whitney Young High School.
Sam- you have ruined my life. Shut up.
This was of course the rantings of a bunch of drunks guys, but you see my problem.
So if I ever meet you in real life and seem to be able to recall ideas , stories , concepts and jokes you have told me with creepy detail . I ask for your forgiveness, but you should not be surprised specially if you put it in your blog.
Now for better memories
more pictures of the convention.

all the pretty signatures from the Suicide girls yay.

one sexy Catwoman.

Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.
One sweet ride.

Power Girl

Shadow Cat
and one of my favorite pictures of the convention.

If Oogie and Kraven, had been in this picture . it would have been perfect. if anyone wants to photoshop them in I would appreciated it.
It was first brought to my attention by a former co-worker of mine that I recollected too many facts about his life. He expressed his concern about once when we were sitting down to lunch with other co-workers. The conversation went as follows. (names have been changed to protect the innocent, meaning him)
James- yeah , I am a bit concerned about my dad.
Me- How is your dad doing ?
James- well this should be fun if you guys have not say down with this guy to lunch before. What do you know about my dad?
Me- He is a divorced father of three that lives in the southern Illinois area near Saint Louis. He had a minor fall once while in the bathroom of the plant where he was working. You were not sure if it was the heat or the fact that he hit his head in the sink that cause his to lose consciousness. He is dating a woman that is a pack rat and you have expressed concern regarding the fact that she is filling up his garage with useless junk.
James- See what I mean Tim.( as he turns to Tim ) All of that is factual and I do not remember telling him some of it. First time he did that it creeped me out. I do not remember my life that well . why does he?
I realize that people do not like being broken down into a set of facts in conversation.
I was on my fourth Guinness of the night at a friend's going away party and while drinking . The following conversation occurred
Sam- hey I know you.
Me- really? I do not remember you.
Sam- you had class with one of my sisters.
Me- I am sorry I do not remember you. wait , did your younger sister go to the army?
Sam- naw ,
Tom- Dude , you have sisters.
Then I had this sudden flash of who this guy was. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Me- I remember you. Yes he has two sisters. The oldest is hottest, but the youngest is cutest. Sam went to Cooper Elementary, You were in their advanced group of bilingual students, you attended a Saturday tutoring program . You are of middle eastern ancestry and your family was only one or two generations in Mexico.
Tom- Sam !! you were advanced once? you mean this guy is smart?
Sam- Shut the fuck up.
Me- I remember the name of your home room teacher. I remember the name of the cute girl in your class that went to Whitney Young High School.
Sam- you have ruined my life. Shut up.
This was of course the rantings of a bunch of drunks guys, but you see my problem.
So if I ever meet you in real life and seem to be able to recall ideas , stories , concepts and jokes you have told me with creepy detail . I ask for your forgiveness, but you should not be surprised specially if you put it in your blog.
Now for better memories
more pictures of the convention.

all the pretty signatures from the Suicide girls yay.

one sexy Catwoman.

Green Lantern and Wonder Woman.
One sweet ride.

Power Girl

Shadow Cat
and one of my favorite pictures of the convention.

If Oogie and Kraven, had been in this picture . it would have been perfect. if anyone wants to photoshop them in I would appreciated it.
That's definitely a creepy ability.
Just wanted to let you know I got moved into my sisters... your print will be going out in the mail this week. I appriciate you being so patient and also thanks for the support it means a lot.