I am sorry , I really am.
The social network aspect of this site is really a lot more than I expected for my membership to the site. I assumed it would be a lot less interactive and I did not realize we had a blog, friends and profiles here. I want to apologize to all the Suicide Girls and hopefuls that are here for not appreciating you enough and letting you know how much I like what you girls do to make the site what it is.
I wanted to specially apologize to two amazing Suicide Girls that are no longer here.
The first one Chika who only has one set , but I found her interesting ,funny and original.
The second I want to apologize to in Scargatta, She has an angelic face and her sets are amazing.
I hope someone has their info and tells them they are missed. This is not complete post and I hope to write something better later on. I am bad at apologies.
The social network aspect of this site is really a lot more than I expected for my membership to the site. I assumed it would be a lot less interactive and I did not realize we had a blog, friends and profiles here. I want to apologize to all the Suicide Girls and hopefuls that are here for not appreciating you enough and letting you know how much I like what you girls do to make the site what it is.
I wanted to specially apologize to two amazing Suicide Girls that are no longer here.
The first one Chika who only has one set , but I found her interesting ,funny and original.

The second I want to apologize to in Scargatta, She has an angelic face and her sets are amazing.

I hope someone has their info and tells them they are missed. This is not complete post and I hope to write something better later on. I am bad at apologies.
Lol! No, I wasn't a zombie. I was a conditioned slave that went crazy and ate her captor. It was really bizarre! <3
Thank yooou.