I had my hesitation about posting a blog about t-shirts, but then I went on chat and saw and heard Shyla lip synching. I think it could be it's on you tube video . It already has a target audience. In any case here is another tid bit of pop culture.
My Life in T-shirts
While writing this entry I will be wearing under armor for the sake of modesty... not really modesty . It's just that I did not get out enough this summer and I have a bad farmer's Tan.
American popular society loves T-shirts. We have managed to convince people to become walking advertisement for anything and everything. The promise of a free t-shirt is enough to get us to show up some place, stand in line and pay good money. There was that episode of Pinky and the Brain where Brain convinced the entire planet earth to go to a new earth by promising them a free t-shirt.
The reason I comment is cause t-shirts have a way of surviving. I have some that have now spent nearly 15 years in my collection of clothes and well unlike some other clothes take new life. T-shirts are under shirts, they become work out clothes , then move on to pajama tops , then become dust rags and finally disintegrate and become that old T-shirt we are always looking for when we clean up.
I realize most people throw away T-shirts, but I have not done that with some of them. They are still around , they still get worn . Some not in public , but still get worn.
In Chronological order.
My HMSEI , T-shirt love this thing and still wear it. This was a program on Saturday that focused on math and science. It really just allowed me to know some really good people and I remember them fondly. When I wear the shirt.

High School . I love this shirt , no way to wear it anywhere else , but when working out. The thing has n amazing ability to survive the washes and such.

I had a great time in Academic Decathlon in High School . Met some amazing people and kinda became aware of Motorola thanks to it.

Mystery Men . The Bowler. I had huge crush in High School on Janeane Garofalo. Now She is full of tattoos , incredibly cynic , insanely liberal and on 24. I so crushing on her again.

I mean she carried the skull of her dead father on the bowling bowl.

Firefly . The Show that died to soon and like many other things written by Joss Wheton. It has an undead life that keeps going. Now that I think about it . I should have kept this free shirt in better condition and sold it on Ebay, but I like wearing it better.

I matured and fell in love with Pin-up Art . Then there was Betty . I saw this in the window of a thrift store and with my broke college student money. I got it . I was so happy wearing it the next day. I was not even taken from my joy when girl asked " why is that girl on your shirt naked?"
"why shouldn't she be naked?" was my reply.

A more modest Betty. but every bit as sexy.

I love this shirt . I was a mechanical designer at one point . I liked it. This is a cool shirt of the engineering organization I belonged to .

I am a guy . I have testosterone. I have a love for the art of photography , I think there is a huge human value for our humanity to express ourselves , to look and appreciate human expression. but there are those moments when I look at the site and all the testosterone kicks in . All I can think is direct quote from my brain " Naked chicks. good . pretty naked chicks. great " So I am a fan of Rocky following the positive part of Testosterone and fight for what your dream.

My current favorite t-shirt is from my comic book shop . They are a great bunch of people and would recommend you visit them. if you are ever in Chicago.
1845 N. Western Ave. 2R
Chicago, IL 60647
The t-shirt reads " I love you , but I have chosen comics".
I will continue to post this picture till I get a new picture with the Suicide Girls or the girls get tired of seeing themselves in this picture and tell me so.

Great last pic 

My sister did AcaDeca nin high school too! Our school was one of the best teams in the state (granted it's a tiny state, but who cares?)