- on Misfits Fiend Club in gothic culture
- on Misfits Fiend Club in gothic culture
- on Female Fronted Hardcore/Punk (not pop punk) in punk's not dead
- on skinny girls and BCB's in big cuddly boys
- on Share some Comedian videos in comedy
- on dracula766's post on psylo's page
Last night was such a good time. The show was sold out and the ladies put on a great performance. I have to admit though that I had the most fun afterwards where I got to hang out for a bit with some of these lovely SGs. A big thank you to @sunshine , @mahneeguh , @waikiki, @shay, @jennings, @peneloppe and @yuni for being such...
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I love that there are so many gorgeous Suicide Girls representing every corner of the planet. I wish there were more SGs in Houston though. As the 4th largest city in the country you would think we'd have a bigger SG community. I know Houston was home to a lot more SGs in the past but many have moved away.
I should start recruiting :-P
I kinda wasn't looking forward to spending my birthday weekend on the road but it turned out great. Not only did I see friends that I never get to see but I made a few of new ones.
I won't go into details but the weekend included...1,000 miles of Texas highway, visits to 3 different Buc-ee's around the state, booze, one of the stars of...
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So I pulled up to work at Concert Pub on Friday night and one of the managers meets me at the car to inform me that I had been let go. They didn't tell him why, just that he had to tell me cuz we're friends. I'm not pissed or anything, business is business. I do feel a bit disrespected though. After 4 years, I...
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I noticed that my SG subscription just renewed for another year. Although I'm not super pleased with all of the changes to the site, there's no way I'm not gonna support Suicide Girls.
Several of my friends are SGs and Hopefuls and I feel that they and the rest of the girls on the site are some of the most beautiful women on the planet....
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I'll have to get on that this week.

I honestly thought my ex-gf & I could remain close friends.
think I'll catch up on some Walking Dead then hit the gym
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And follow up.... just saw that the necklace is back in the SG store SCORE!
Was sick all last week, feeling way better now though.
Looking forward to NOFX this weekend. My good friends in the Latch Key Kids are opening. Should be nuts hanging out with all the bands.
Recently updated the food blog too.
What a great weekend! Friday, Saturday and Sunday full of Halloween mayhem & mischief.
The Danzig show last night was great. I was so excited that they played a lot of the older songs.
I wish everybody a safe and happy Halloween. Go out and have some fun if only for a few hours.

i don't really care to go back there.
we needed to end things anyway but I intended it to be done in a private manner with some level of civility.
ah well, moving on...