Never trust a blonde bartender with blood-red lips who gives a wink with a evil little smile as she turns around to mix your drink! Jack, Crown, and Jose all wrapped in one with a Jack and coke chaser! Did I say give me something hard and heavy!?!?
Nevermind the bloody bitch and tons of zima xxx, budwiser, and goddess knows what else I...
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Sounds like you had fun! Me and my friends had a night similar to yours. Try this pill called Chasers..or something like that. My friend did and she was cool the next day. smile
It has been cold and rainy almost all weekend long. I love it when it rains! Lightning and thunder would be a nice touch to a beautiful weekend. Ahhh, can't have it all I guess!
Until then, procrastination will have to do!

kiss Dracos kiss
heard you guys got snow. we were spared, and i say spared because even though i love snow, i don't love west texas snow. smile
Monday agian. Time for work..BLAH!
maybe it will be fun wink
just maybe

kiss Dracos kiss
thanks for the birthday wishes!!!

Today is the greatest day I have ever known......
Life is sooooo peachy and great!!!!
LOL...Ya right! Whatever! wink
sarcasm is so much fun..hehehehe...

love love love love love love love love love

No, really today is a good day. in a great mood and all. What could be better?

kiss Dracos kiss
Flick me hard with your red bic pen..Make it hurt baby!!
I just love cold randomness, I call it "my surreal sanity in flight". Life seems to be like that sometimes.

Which is stranger, truth on fiction or fantasy fucking reality?? I don't know the answer to that one either.
It's all a simple mind-fuck that got wasted with a two dollar whore off of...
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Damn it, if this journal required substance to thrive, I would have killed it just like I did my annoying furby years ago...hahaha Those things were so stupid, yet so much fun which made them cool. does that make sense?? Oh well, probally not. This sucks, only two hours of sleep. The kiddies at work are going to love me tonight, dingy as hell I...
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Today sucks! Yesterday sucked! I'm sure tommorow will suck too! Life sucks that way!
Don't blame me, blame Hover, they made sucking an everyday concept... They suck!
I'm just all full of love and joy today puke
Ahhh well, Fuck it...

Too much fun.....Nah, not today!
Still being evil and loving it! mad
Too late too care, but ahwell! Should be back online real soon. Ironic how life is sometimes, mine's a fucking soap oprea! puke
Who cares anyway right? I put myself there and knew where it would lead, no emotions though, that's the beauty of it all! It is soooo tempting to be soooo evil ! But that would cause only a few more thorns that I...
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Life is funny that way. robot robot robot
well, I got this finished so far. would write more, but too tired from work. Maybe later, who knows? whatever
Always later, die hard procrastinator, maybe later confused
Hello and Welcome! Cool. robot robot robot

*Thanx for the welcome ooo aaa Newtex. * skull