Fucking full moon.
Okay, so I had a great time at the zombie prom. It was Dovanna's first time at Ground Zero, and also my gaming pal Amy's first time. The undead were out in force and the music was great.
And then there's last night. I rode my bike downtown and went to a movie at Block E with an intent to do something downtown afterwards. The movie (Babylon A.D.) sucked pretty hard. When I came out, my rear tire was flat even though I re-filled it last week... either there was some sort of slow puncture or some barbarian slashed it.
Bridget picked me up and let me drop my bike back home and then dropped me off at Ground Zero, bless her heart. First thing that happens though, is some jackass stopped me because of my Obama jacket and asked me if I "really" wanted the country to become "socialist." Aside from the fact that I wanted to dance and drink, not talk politics, I tried to take the focus off "socialism," because... seriously? What is this, the McCarthy communist purge? I explained that Obama's tax policies would mean more money in his pocket. He didn't care; he didn't want capitol gains tax to take money from the people he works for.
He then said, and I'm not shitting you, "What are you going to say next, 'Bush lied, the troops died?" I paused...
"No, but now that you bring it up, do you think that getting involved in a neverending war in Iraq was a good idea?" He said, "yes," which was helpful to me, because at that point I realized that arguing with a twenty percenter was not worth my time. I walked away from him as he taunted me that Obama was going to lose. We'll see, you bald corporate fascist jagoff robot.
Ground Zero sucked. Maybe I was just in a bad mood, but the only people I felt like I was making a connection with were a couple of first-time tourists who seemed at first like they were giving the place a chance. They were shocked and horrified at the extremely light bondage upstairs, and took off after telling me that they were going out for a smoke. Christ, ladies, I was just being friendly to some newbies, you didn't have to lie to me if you wanted to leave.
The one bright spot was when I wandered over to Sinners, where Danielle bought me a slice of pizza and gave me a hug.
When I left there it was after 2 AM and I realized I didn't have the cash for a cab. Every fucking ATM I went to downtown was "Temporarally out of service." I eventually got a cab and told him to take me to a gas station so I could pay him, but every ATM I went to after that said that it couldn't complete my transaction. So I eventually had to put it on my debit card... after racking up twice the cost of a normal ride home.
I need to go get my tire fixed so I can go to work, but I don't think I should tempt fate by doing anything else today.
Fucking full moon.
Okay, so I had a great time at the zombie prom. It was Dovanna's first time at Ground Zero, and also my gaming pal Amy's first time. The undead were out in force and the music was great.
And then there's last night. I rode my bike downtown and went to a movie at Block E with an intent to do something downtown afterwards. The movie (Babylon A.D.) sucked pretty hard. When I came out, my rear tire was flat even though I re-filled it last week... either there was some sort of slow puncture or some barbarian slashed it.
Bridget picked me up and let me drop my bike back home and then dropped me off at Ground Zero, bless her heart. First thing that happens though, is some jackass stopped me because of my Obama jacket and asked me if I "really" wanted the country to become "socialist." Aside from the fact that I wanted to dance and drink, not talk politics, I tried to take the focus off "socialism," because... seriously? What is this, the McCarthy communist purge? I explained that Obama's tax policies would mean more money in his pocket. He didn't care; he didn't want capitol gains tax to take money from the people he works for.

He then said, and I'm not shitting you, "What are you going to say next, 'Bush lied, the troops died?" I paused...

Ground Zero sucked. Maybe I was just in a bad mood, but the only people I felt like I was making a connection with were a couple of first-time tourists who seemed at first like they were giving the place a chance. They were shocked and horrified at the extremely light bondage upstairs, and took off after telling me that they were going out for a smoke. Christ, ladies, I was just being friendly to some newbies, you didn't have to lie to me if you wanted to leave.
The one bright spot was when I wandered over to Sinners, where Danielle bought me a slice of pizza and gave me a hug.

When I left there it was after 2 AM and I realized I didn't have the cash for a cab. Every fucking ATM I went to downtown was "Temporarally out of service." I eventually got a cab and told him to take me to a gas station so I could pay him, but every ATM I went to after that said that it couldn't complete my transaction. So I eventually had to put it on my debit card... after racking up twice the cost of a normal ride home.
I need to go get my tire fixed so I can go to work, but I don't think I should tempt fate by doing anything else today.
Fucking full moon.
Anyways, it appears that you've been cloned!