Damn you, St. Paul! Your twisty streets and inscruitable motivations led me to have the first serious bike crash I've had in 15 years (granted I just started biking again for the first time in 12 years a couple months ago).
I was heading home from Gabe's after his impromptu Game Night (I didn't do any gaming, I just sat there and oggled the women's Olympic volleyball players on his HD widescreen... US vs. Japan =
) and I got sidetracked off the main route (shoulda turned on Rice...), lured by the prospect of downhill paths without traffic. I was flying downhill when the light at the bottom turned yellow. I was going fast and thought I had time... and I was distracted by the fact that I was crossing fucking Rice again somehow after like 20 minutes of hard riding.
Well, the 4x4 stopped at the light didn't see me at first, and started going when their light turned green earlier than I expected. I hit the breaks too hard, and took a header, spilling onto the asphalt right next to the 4x4's driver door. The guy rolled down the window to heckle me. If I hadn't been wearing a light (first time I'd done that), he probably wouldn't have noticed me at all.
Anyway, the damage done, I continued on... I ended up crossing 35E the wrong way before I got my bearings again (difference between me and John McCain... I got my bearings back). The crazy thing is that the crash got my adrenaline pumping and I didn't even notice that my knee was covered in blood until a couple of miles later. The ride back was... weirdly easy. I feel like I probably shouldn't have had that easy a time getting back after that spill, but either it was the adrenaline or I'm really starting to get stronger. Or both.
Just got back from Pineapple Express. Cute movie... really captures the essence of the stoner action genre. Probably because it's possibly the only movie in the stoner action genre.
When I went to turn my cell phone off, I saw that the crash smashed the LED on my phone. It's kinda pretty, actually, but useless. Looks like finally time for a new phone... if you can't get ahold of me over the phone; it's because I don't have a new phone yet.
I was heading home from Gabe's after his impromptu Game Night (I didn't do any gaming, I just sat there and oggled the women's Olympic volleyball players on his HD widescreen... US vs. Japan =

Well, the 4x4 stopped at the light didn't see me at first, and started going when their light turned green earlier than I expected. I hit the breaks too hard, and took a header, spilling onto the asphalt right next to the 4x4's driver door. The guy rolled down the window to heckle me. If I hadn't been wearing a light (first time I'd done that), he probably wouldn't have noticed me at all.
Anyway, the damage done, I continued on... I ended up crossing 35E the wrong way before I got my bearings again (difference between me and John McCain... I got my bearings back). The crazy thing is that the crash got my adrenaline pumping and I didn't even notice that my knee was covered in blood until a couple of miles later. The ride back was... weirdly easy. I feel like I probably shouldn't have had that easy a time getting back after that spill, but either it was the adrenaline or I'm really starting to get stronger. Or both.
Just got back from Pineapple Express. Cute movie... really captures the essence of the stoner action genre. Probably because it's possibly the only movie in the stoner action genre.
When I went to turn my cell phone off, I saw that the crash smashed the LED on my phone. It's kinda pretty, actually, but useless. Looks like finally time for a new phone... if you can't get ahold of me over the phone; it's because I don't have a new phone yet.
Date was Wed.