Ah, the last day of CONvergence. The fragrent aura of shame from those who did too much and the bitter scent of regret from the people who didn't do enough over the weekend. The last day is ruled by people dismantling their parties (and believe me, we have become experts at tearing down Dystopia over the years, we were out of there in probably two hours tops) and people trying desperately to get phone numbers and e-mail addresses from the people they met.
You can see some highlights over at Dovanna's journal. I'm the guy wearing the Buddy Christ outfit and walking around in the apocalyptic sandwich board ringing a cowbell. This year was nuts; a girl came up to me and said that she'd always wanted to kiss Jesus... and she kissed me before I could explain that I was emulating a statue from a Kevin Smith movie. I have no regrets there! There were tons of great costumes; Lauren, my crush from last year who dressed as Zoe from Firefly, showed up again and I had to steel my heart against her awesomeness. There were naked alien women dancing in the Romulan Consulate, and the pirate wenches of the Deadly Delights proved that The Cake Was Not A Lie. I drank killer cider from The Dreaming (ancient Egyptian temples are hot (and the temperature was also high) and observed the lines coming out of House of Toast.
In geek news, I secured a copy of the THAC0 movie and played a full game of Chaos Bloodbath Talisman with some really great players.
Thanks to Dovanna for placing many bar code stigmata tattoos on people (I wonder how many boobs she got to touch...) and Danielle for being the person to pull people into Dystopia from the hall with her bouncy happy awesomeness. She also dispensed condoms to approximately 1/4 of the convention, by my count, quite possibly preventing the abovementioned shame/regret in some cases.
The good part was that we gave away tons of awards and fun pamphlets and the like and had record turnout. The bad part is that it's going to be hard to top this year, and we might not try!
Great holiday weekend, folks. Let's set something up for next year.
You can see some highlights over at Dovanna's journal. I'm the guy wearing the Buddy Christ outfit and walking around in the apocalyptic sandwich board ringing a cowbell. This year was nuts; a girl came up to me and said that she'd always wanted to kiss Jesus... and she kissed me before I could explain that I was emulating a statue from a Kevin Smith movie. I have no regrets there! There were tons of great costumes; Lauren, my crush from last year who dressed as Zoe from Firefly, showed up again and I had to steel my heart against her awesomeness. There were naked alien women dancing in the Romulan Consulate, and the pirate wenches of the Deadly Delights proved that The Cake Was Not A Lie. I drank killer cider from The Dreaming (ancient Egyptian temples are hot (and the temperature was also high) and observed the lines coming out of House of Toast.
In geek news, I secured a copy of the THAC0 movie and played a full game of Chaos Bloodbath Talisman with some really great players.
Thanks to Dovanna for placing many bar code stigmata tattoos on people (I wonder how many boobs she got to touch...) and Danielle for being the person to pull people into Dystopia from the hall with her bouncy happy awesomeness. She also dispensed condoms to approximately 1/4 of the convention, by my count, quite possibly preventing the abovementioned shame/regret in some cases.
The good part was that we gave away tons of awards and fun pamphlets and the like and had record turnout. The bad part is that it's going to be hard to top this year, and we might not try!
Great holiday weekend, folks. Let's set something up for next year.

I thought those barcode tattoos said 'dystpoia'... I didn't actually make it to CON, but I went to a buddy's birthday party at the TGI Fridays right there, and it seemed that every single person there from CON had that damn tattoo... they made it around quite a bit!