So, I watched "Everybody Loves Hypnotoad" on the Bender's Big Score disc. At least I think I did.
I started watching it, and I think I blacked out somewhere along the way, because I woke up to staggering pain in my left forearm. Someone had taken a knife, which was actually still in my right hand, and carved the words, "BURY HER REMAINS" carved into my skin. At this point the Hypnotoad was speed dating, I think.
Anyway, there was a roughly two meter box next to my door. It was lighter than I expected. I don't know what I expected. I didn't want to look into the box. The Hypnotoad didn't want me to look into the box. So I dragged it outside. There's an earthy plot in the neighbor's yard, and I think he didn't want me to bury the box, but then he went away. I had a shovel then. I don't know where it came from.
Then I had another pain in my arm, and on the other side, there were the words, "BURY HIS REMAINS" and there was another box, a little larger than the first one. I figured, hey, why not? And I buried both.
I got inside just in time to see an advertisement for the "Everybody Loves Hypnotoad" boxed set. Oh, god, I need to buy that.
I think I blacked out from blood loss, and when I woke up, the show was over and the wounds on my arm had healed into lumpy scabs and there was an ominous quiet. Did I ever tell you about my sister? Wait... I have a sister? oh jesus... I don't remember... im lusing me help oh god help