Just got back from the con. I'm beat, as usual after these things. Added to my con hangover (which is different from, but can include, an alcohol hangover), the universe decided to open the sky above me as the bus dropped me off in Uptown, leaving me to run for it through the rain from the station to my place. Good times.
The con itself was good this year; the movies and anime were strong and some of the panels were alright. Friday was the best night for me, working at Dystopia doing the bar code tattoos. If you were there, you probably got a bar code from me at some point during Friday or Saturday night; it seemed like everyone who went to the convention wanted one to hide from their co-workers on monday.
As usual, there were tons of gorgeous geek women there; of particular note was the gal from the Serenity party who dressed as Zoe from Firefly. She also did a remarkable Uhura. Damn... gotta smile when I think of her. Good show. I missed the Masquerade show, because I hate the intermittable length and self-congratulation of that program. Much easier to just catch the pretty costumes as they finish up and leave.
I finally got accepted to the TC group... but not in time to plug the Dystopia party. I'll have it for next year, consarnit!
The con itself was good this year; the movies and anime were strong and some of the panels were alright. Friday was the best night for me, working at Dystopia doing the bar code tattoos. If you were there, you probably got a bar code from me at some point during Friday or Saturday night; it seemed like everyone who went to the convention wanted one to hide from their co-workers on monday.
As usual, there were tons of gorgeous geek women there; of particular note was the gal from the Serenity party who dressed as Zoe from Firefly. She also did a remarkable Uhura. Damn... gotta smile when I think of her. Good show. I missed the Masquerade show, because I hate the intermittable length and self-congratulation of that program. Much easier to just catch the pretty costumes as they finish up and leave.
I finally got accepted to the TC group... but not in time to plug the Dystopia party. I'll have it for next year, consarnit!

it's buddy fucking christ.