And if you all will please forgive my absence that'd be greatly appreciated.
I was,in my defense EXTREMELY,preoccupied.OOOOOK so where to begin...I hope everyones holidays were amazing.I for one am super happy they are OVER for now
.But seriously i had fun,my living got wrecked and a lot has happened since then.
That's right,I'M ENGAGED! Jake proposed to me New Years Eve in central park
In that spot! Sooo that's pretty exciting right? We always wanted to go to New York especially that time of year.We spent a week there, right by times square,it was cold,smelly,loud and tons of fun! Here's a few pics i took with my new lil camera i got from Santa.
At the airport.
Our hotel.
Best thing EVER, first time having this,french fries,american cheese and brown gravy,i'm getting fat just describing it.
Jake likes to creepily snap pics of me while i'm sleeping...
Us at the Broadway show of Bonnie and Clyde,very good i might add.
Me in Times Square.
Random guys head and empire state building.
OoOoOh shiny.
Yep,that's the city.
I might be easily amused..
The infamous tree.Seemed a lot smaller in real life.(that's what she said).

My new favorite beer.
Outside of Dunkin Donuts..KIDDING,there were a lot of cops out New Years Eve.

Yeah, i like black and white photos.

Where the real action is 
I looked like a ninja,waiting to catch the ferry.
Soo pretty.
Taking our very first subway! 
So,between the holidays,taking my lil sis to and from Tennessee,my trip to New York,the house hunt (which is now over),and packing up my apartment....I've been a tad busy.BUT i'm here now and hopefully will start having a lil more time.I'm super excited about moving.We move in Feb 3rd.Was supposed to be the 2nd but we don't close til the 1st and are giving them a day to make sure everything is out.So i will for sure take pics of the house for everyone.I'm taking a week or so off work when we move so i can relax and unpack also look for a new job.Time to quit working nights.Well hope this has been as much fun for you as it has been for me. I'll keep you posted!!

And if you all will please forgive my absence that'd be greatly appreciated.

So,between the holidays,taking my lil sis to and from Tennessee,my trip to New York,the house hunt (which is now over),and packing up my apartment....I've been a tad busy.BUT i'm here now and hopefully will start having a lil more time.I'm super excited about moving.We move in Feb 3rd.Was supposed to be the 2nd but we don't close til the 1st and are giving them a day to make sure everything is out.So i will for sure take pics of the house for everyone.I'm taking a week or so off work when we move so i can relax and unpack also look for a new job.Time to quit working nights.Well hope this has been as much fun for you as it has been for me. I'll keep you posted!!

The pix look better now that I can see them larger. Good stuff.
Happy Valentine's day