It's 6 am and i've just cracked open a budweiser.Not the usual beverage for this hour BUT it might help me sleep,if not you know what they say,try try again..And i have plenty of beer.
Ok so first off i haven't been on here much being that my life is now run by endless meetings with my real estate guy.The house i wanted an was having inspections done on fell through.Long story short when it came down to the wire the owner of the house wouldn't drop the price very much at all,the house needed about 15,000 in repairs,not including anything i would want to remodel.Sooo,we walked away.Since then i have looked at what feels like a million homes,day in and day out searching for "the one".I found one i think is perfect,again.I want to get it appraised because i know what they are asking is not what it will appraise for.So i had to wait on approval to get an appraisal done BEFORE making an offer.Finally got it! Then i get a call from the lady who owns the house i was previously trying to purchase,apparently there is a sudden illness in her family and she has reconsidered and wants to take the final offer...WELL SUCK IT LADY! No i have found so many homes out there that don't need near as much work for the same price.sooo her loss,that house had my heart at one time but no more.Annnd i'm rambling.
SO,what else,i'm downloading music drinking beer and cuddling with teddy...OH! New years,i'm going to NEW YORK!! For a week! Yup! Gonna watch the ball drop look in the big christmas tree in awe,visit the museums,walk through the park and my favorite, EAT LOTS OF GOOD FOOD!!
So i'm pretty damn excited about that.
I'm leaving my job after the 1st,i'm actually pretty nervous about it.I think i have mixed emotions about the whole thing.I have to get what my bf would call a "normal job",ugh,can't wait
i'm going to miss my boss,my djs and even a handful of girls.Stepping out of my comfort zone,not looking forward to it.I have to get back into school as well,think i'm going to study....who knows...
The other day i set up my first christmas village in the dining room next to my christmas tree i also set up.I was shocked at how much fun i had with the village,i spent a week searching for the right houses and the right figurines and other accessories..Then finally,i built it!! (The song "we built this city" or whatever the name of it is popped into my head).I spent hours perfecting it,i think it's pretty good for my first one.Next year will be better because i'll have more room.Anyway, i'll post pics later.I'm going to go check on my music and perhaps even crack open another beer,after all persistence is key.
Ok so first off i haven't been on here much being that my life is now run by endless meetings with my real estate guy.The house i wanted an was having inspections done on fell through.Long story short when it came down to the wire the owner of the house wouldn't drop the price very much at all,the house needed about 15,000 in repairs,not including anything i would want to remodel.Sooo,we walked away.Since then i have looked at what feels like a million homes,day in and day out searching for "the one".I found one i think is perfect,again.I want to get it appraised because i know what they are asking is not what it will appraise for.So i had to wait on approval to get an appraisal done BEFORE making an offer.Finally got it! Then i get a call from the lady who owns the house i was previously trying to purchase,apparently there is a sudden illness in her family and she has reconsidered and wants to take the final offer...WELL SUCK IT LADY! No i have found so many homes out there that don't need near as much work for the same price.sooo her loss,that house had my heart at one time but no more.Annnd i'm rambling.
SO,what else,i'm downloading music drinking beer and cuddling with teddy...OH! New years,i'm going to NEW YORK!! For a week! Yup! Gonna watch the ball drop look in the big christmas tree in awe,visit the museums,walk through the park and my favorite, EAT LOTS OF GOOD FOOD!!

I'm leaving my job after the 1st,i'm actually pretty nervous about it.I think i have mixed emotions about the whole thing.I have to get what my bf would call a "normal job",ugh,can't wait

The other day i set up my first christmas village in the dining room next to my christmas tree i also set up.I was shocked at how much fun i had with the village,i spent a week searching for the right houses and the right figurines and other accessories..Then finally,i built it!! (The song "we built this city" or whatever the name of it is popped into my head).I spent hours perfecting it,i think it's pretty good for my first one.Next year will be better because i'll have more room.Anyway, i'll post pics later.I'm going to go check on my music and perhaps even crack open another beer,after all persistence is key.

house hunting is a nightmare... been there before and i don't look forward to doing it again. you definitely need another beer or two before sleep.
Bud? eeew! LOL Too bad you can't get Spotted Cow down there, it's only sold in WI, that's my favorite beer. Anyways hope the beers helped you sleep! hehehe