OOK, so am i the last to hear about this??
I mean REALLY? Hilarious!!!
This made my night,this and my boss gave me a mini slinky to play with at work to keep me occupied while it was dead,i'm like a handicapped kid
But mostly this^^^ I love it! I mean yeah i've seen the old SNL skits but i didn't know Ben & Jerrys made this,apparently this whole One million mom organization is keeping it out of most grocery store chains because of the name! Jesus,really guys? I mean have a sense of humor.They say it's an inappropriate name for something as innocent as ice cream and if they don't put a stop to it it will only get worse...Is this what people are fighting for these days? More pc names for ice cream? Can we not find something more worthy? It's super funny and also a bit sad that a group of people are actually trying to get them to stop production of this simply because they don't want their children saying "schweddy balls". I say fans of Ben & Jerrys unite!!
Scream from the mountain tops WE WANT "SCHWEDDY BALLS!!!" Lmfao!!
I leave you to think about this,hopefully have a giggle or two..And those that think this ice cream should be shunned from grocery stores,SUCK IT!

I mean REALLY? Hilarious!!!

I leave you to think about this,hopefully have a giggle or two..And those that think this ice cream should be shunned from grocery stores,SUCK IT!

have a nice day and celebrate properly