OOOk,so Today was somewhat eventful.Didn't get much sleep because of all the excitement from getting the house.Got up at the butt crack of dawn to go meet with the realtors and fill out paperwork,from there had breakfast at a place called "grumpys",which i was stared and pointed at for some odd reason.Then we went to yet another dealership,i think we finally found someone who is not only friendly but will give us a good price on the vehicles we are looking for.He's only been there a few weeks so he isn't tainted yet,haha! Since i was right down the road from a tattoo shop i like i stopped in and randomly got a tat,a cover up.
See i had a heart with a halo on one side,horn and tail on the other but i got it when i was like 18 and it was soo tiny and old an faded EVERYONE always asked what is that?? Which gets annnoying so will,an artist was bored and i was there so i said screw it and got an impulse tattoo! Most things i do are on impulse,i'm not complaining though.I absolutely LOVE it!
I think i'm gonna go back this week and get a lil pup pup on the other side and then in the middle maybe a lil doggie bone and fish skeleton bone thingy.We'll see.
Oh and tonight work sucked BUTTT, there was almost a chick fight.YES, i'm not pro vilolence,YES when i'm bored out of my mind and 2 chicks look like they might fight i can't turn away, it was after all the high light of my work night.One chick grabbed the other by the throat and oooh man, if only my boss wouldn't have broke it up.Could've been good.There's always tomorrow.
Alrighty party people i think i've babbled enough for one night.

See i had a heart with a halo on one side,horn and tail on the other but i got it when i was like 18 and it was soo tiny and old an faded EVERYONE always asked what is that?? Which gets annnoying so will,an artist was bored and i was there so i said screw it and got an impulse tattoo! Most things i do are on impulse,i'm not complaining though.I absolutely LOVE it!

Oh and tonight work sucked BUTTT, there was almost a chick fight.YES, i'm not pro vilolence,YES when i'm bored out of my mind and 2 chicks look like they might fight i can't turn away, it was after all the high light of my work night.One chick grabbed the other by the throat and oooh man, if only my boss wouldn't have broke it up.Could've been good.There's always tomorrow.

Alrighty party people i think i've babbled enough for one night.

the chic fight would have been fun to see.
Glad it all worked out for you than