Well,i had a very full day.Finally i got the male octopus finished today.
The hat will need to be touched up because i pulled some of the scab off by accident while taking my shirt off the other day...later he's gonna go back and add white.I was SUCH A VAGINA today.I went in tired,with a headache and just not feeling it so i couldn't sit for long today,very sad he wanted to get started on coloring the girl today.Next session i'll sit longer, i'm thinking of ordering some of that numbing cream," dr. numb".I know...
buttt whatever helps get this thing done.I'm thinking 2 more sessions.There was a girl in the shop today working on a huge rib piece and she used it,said it was amazing until it wore off then it felt worse then it would've before.I can imagine because your going from sore to real sore instead of just taking the pain and trying to get used to it.Anyway i think i'm rambling... OH exciting, my first set EVER is coming out on october 12th!!!
Hope everyone checks it out.Well, i'm gonna hop in bed with teddy,gotta get up early tomorrow,doc appt and meeting.Night night 

Is there going to be a female octopod wearing a corset, perhaps?
SET! Omg omg omg. That's in ... 2 days! Holy chickens ... how was the doc appt?