So it's raining here AGAIN! The rain always puts me in a weird mood,weird meaning lazy,bored,depressed,BLAH..My puppy Betty has been enjoying the shit outta this weather though,everyday she runs through the now flooded yard and huge mud puddles..There have been a lot of puppy baths this week.I finally started just hosing her off.She's such a fucking princess,every time i run a bath whether it's... Read More
Its raining here to but I love the rain, you spend enough time in it you learn to love it or go crazy, as I have always been a little crazy my only option was to learn to love it lol
As most of you know i spend almost all of my time by the pool,well when it's rainy,like it was yesterday,i am forced to find something else to keep me occupied.I YouTube stuff all the time and i came across "hoop dancing", i know how to hula hoop but nothing like what i watched! So of course i was determined to give it a shot.I... Read More
Change of plans,i will NOT be attending the St.Patties day party in Ohio.
It seems after further discussing it with my fiance,it's not a good "economical" decision right now...However,apparently purchasing very pricey season tickets for the Gators IS.
Is this blog about to get whiney and complainy? YES.IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THAT,TUNE OUT NOW.
Are season tickets for the Gators more... Read More
I must say this is fucking bullshit, maybe it is none of my business but that whole situation is so fucked, it seems like he wants you to give up what you want and not meet you half way Fuck that
So so so so so so excited for the St. Patties day SG party in Ohio!!!!
Here i was though,going thru my closet and then i checked the weather,it's gonna be super effing cold there!!! I was ready to go dressed like i would be in florida,maybe i'll bust out the scarves.I dunno.
I'm not sure what to expect at this thing,being that i've never... Read More
Yeah something like that...even if the day started out bad I can live with a happy ending.lol.
No,being drunk makes people sleepy (and have a small ding dong.... hahahahaha),I was more so on a coffee high from TV.
It was funny at first about the "tool bag" mentioning but still is funny from time to time XD...depends on the context .
Today DID turn out good for me thank you and I wish you the same.
The smell of fresh cut grass is good as is having a project of somesort,that's why I make art and furniture stuff sometimes such as my dinning table.
ahem... go to the bottom where you font things and add links and images and shit and click on "youtube" it'll prompt for the youtube address and add it itself
the frustration is shared then.
did you try taking the "<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" and " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>" out of it so it's jus the internet address, none of that fancy frame and ratio shit?