Umm, haven't updated in forever. Austin is cool. Work is great. If you haven't heard from me feel free to email me.

Old Stormwatch = love
Happy Holidays!
Umm, haven't updated in forever. Austin is cool. Work is great. If you haven't heard from me feel free to email me.

Word. Off to go spend some quality time with a pile of Batgirl comics.
Started working on a new game a few weeks ago. It should be fun. Lhia and I will be moving to Austin to join that team in the next month or so. Until then, I'll just be working from sunny San Diego.

Should be fun. Until then, I'm reading every comicbook I can get my hands on to prep for the job.

When videogames +...
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Dude, what's happening. So I think I know what game you guys are going to be working on, and I'm, well, extremely jealous. smile Have fun in austin, and I hope you guys are well.
Spending too much time these days reading political blogs.

People are really scary.

I'm starting to scare myself.
Looking a houses in the area around our Austin studio reinforced how fucked the housing in SD is right now. Our condo is nice, but shit...

I'm thinking I gots to get the fuck out of here. It's not like I go to the beach anyway.
nice pic of you at the range in the sg vs porn war thread. Molon Labe.
Shhhh we don't use .50 for anything other than target practice.

I wouldn't mind a Barrett in a glass case with the words, "break in case of suspended elections" of cource then it would be too late.
Been reading a ton this last week. Made a metric-fuckton of BBQ Chicken Kabobs and Cherry Rice Pilaf lastnight. I think I'm going to smell like curry for at least two weeks.

I really need to ride some of this food off this evening. We'll see. Lhia and I have trying to get through all of season 2 of Nip / Tuck this weekend.
Hehe, I suck at riding, but I've been going at it for about 6 months now. I ride her to school and back, fucking 45 min each way. My ass is going to be so tight. I've almost mastered the track stand, now i tip over like only once every 5 times tongue
Haven't updated in months. Nothing to say I guess. Just working and riding as much as possible.

Overall, pretty boring stuff.
I didn't update for months either. wink I just got caught up with other things.
Coachella was a good time.

Wasn't the world's biggest Bauhaus fan until this weekend. Holy Shit. Talk about stage presence.

I enjoyed Eisley - Weezer - Wilco - UNKLE - Bauhaus - Zion i - Gang of Four - New Order - nin - and more. We tried to walk around and see as much as possible, but some of the shows required a little...
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I sent out the pics stat, cuz I'm like that, I'm NattyTatTat.....sheeit, white girl can't rap. biggrin

I like the lollipop story....that's funny.

How did you get a journal from May to pop up?
Last week consisted of trips to Vegas and Seattle. Vegas was hot and Seattle was not.

Saw Old Boy today. I'm thinking 15 years in an apartment with chinese dumplings, TV, and someone cleaning your room for you after knocking you out with gas once a week wouldn't be that bad of a deal. Where do I sign up?

but i do think i would want to keep my tongue tongue
hey if you guys liked OldBoy you should try and find the movie "Sympathy for Mr. Vengence" it is by the same director and almost as f'ed up.....worth a view biggrin
Crap - I'm all over the place and trying to keep at least one location current.

Blogging is lame.
cats are even better when they bash you in the face with their plastic head cones that keep them from chewing on their stitches from getting them fixed in the middle of the night biggrin
did you go see old boy?? WTF is all i have to say puke
Just picked up a Balzac cd, along with Bedknobs and broomsticks and the Dawn of the Dead remake on dvd. Good stuff.

"Huh, what did I tell you boys... America always sorts this shit out."


Anyone know any good links to cool 50's horror art / animation?