Goodness gracious I was productive today! Riding lawnmower is now fixed (with the help of my grandfather and dad) and we built new steps for the back porch! I even found the time to cook quesadillas!
Thank you all for the comments, even though I am not the best on responding lately. My mother has discovered the wonders of the internet, and gets cranky if she doesn't get her usual 12-14 hours of internet a day. Which for me means that I've been getting to know my room and its movies a lot better. Please forgive her. She knows not who she offends.
School is OVER! Two A's, and two B's! Best I've ever done in college. Usually i have a bunch of B's and C's. But not this time! Oh well. On to planning next semester!
It has come to my attention that people have been talking behind my back and repeating things that I told them in confidence. Even though the conversations may have taken place a long time ago doesn't make the information any less confidential. Please forgive me hon. I meant no offense.
Passport is a no go. Not gonna be taking a trip any time soon out of the country. Thanks MOM for not getting out of the computer chair and taking me to get it done. I had the money and everything. (I'm sorry Mandy!)
This seems to be a journal of apologies. Please forgive me for that.

Thank you all for the comments, even though I am not the best on responding lately. My mother has discovered the wonders of the internet, and gets cranky if she doesn't get her usual 12-14 hours of internet a day. Which for me means that I've been getting to know my room and its movies a lot better. Please forgive her. She knows not who she offends.

School is OVER! Two A's, and two B's! Best I've ever done in college. Usually i have a bunch of B's and C's. But not this time! Oh well. On to planning next semester!
It has come to my attention that people have been talking behind my back and repeating things that I told them in confidence. Even though the conversations may have taken place a long time ago doesn't make the information any less confidential. Please forgive me hon. I meant no offense.

Passport is a no go. Not gonna be taking a trip any time soon out of the country. Thanks MOM for not getting out of the computer chair and taking me to get it done. I had the money and everything. (I'm sorry Mandy!)
This seems to be a journal of apologies. Please forgive me for that.

Tell ur mom to get off the puter....i wanna talk to u damn it...
...its okay tho ill let it go just this once

Yay!!! Congrats on the awesome grades!!! That is amazing!