Wow, it's been a year since I blogged! What happenings! What stories I have! What... nah, I got nothing. It's just been the same old crap.
I'd say the biggest news is that I am doing fine now, and there is no trace of colon cancer at all. (not that I can afford checkups while being uninsured) My grandma had a stroke, but it was just a little one and most likely brought on by stress, so she's doing fine now.
Oh yeah, last summer I broke my foot literally in HALF. I was laid up for weeks waiting for that to heal. Now it's fine, but that foot doesn't give me any trouble anymore, it is the other one that hurts like it was broken! How wierd is that!
I feel as if I need to reconnect with some of the special people from my past, so if you recieved a PM or journal comment from me, if you want you can contact me on my yahoo, or by journal comment here or by priveate message. I may have not been in contact with you, but don't think for a minute that I forgot about you!
Favorite movies I watched this past year (not neccessarily new): Eragon, 300, Coneheads, Gilbert Grape, Mask, FInal Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Blade trilogy, Private Lessons.
Favorite TV shows I watched this year: South Park, Root of All Evil, How it's Made, Two and a Half Men, Scrubs, House, Rescue Me
Favorite books this year: Ringworld, The Integral Trees, To All Your Scattered Bodies Go, Crashlander, The Lost Years of Merlin, Eragon, The Alphabet of Manliness, ect.

I played Violin in the 6th grade, not any fun, and the only people I know who play it are fiddlers, I would always be comparing myself to them... and that's not fair for my ego.

How It's Made is really great. I also enjoy How Do They Do That.