Robin, looking at Batgirl: "You know something, Batman?"
Batman: "What's that, Robin?"
Robin: "She looks very pretty when she's asleep."
Batman: "I thought you might eventually notice that. That single statement indicates to me the first oncoming thrust of manhood, old chum."
Wow, Batman never seemed so creepy before...
I found a whole bunch of these quotes from the old Adam West Batman. A significant majority follow this pattern:
Robin/Dick Grayson: Gee, I really suck at <insert random subject>, why do I have to learn it?
Batman/Bruce Wayne: Ah, but <insert random subject> is an integral part of every young man's life and/or a cornerstone of our great American values!
Robin/Dick Grayson: Gosh Batman, you're right! I'll study harder!
I've been on a Batman kick lately, and it's all Katieesq's fault. I have all of the episodes of the animated series (the good one with Danny Elfman's music and Mark Hamill as the Joker), and I've been killing time by watching them.
In other news, holy crap, I have a blog! Yet another way that I can waste time online. No good can come of this...
Alright, back to job-hunting.
Batman: "What's that, Robin?"
Robin: "She looks very pretty when she's asleep."
Batman: "I thought you might eventually notice that. That single statement indicates to me the first oncoming thrust of manhood, old chum."
Wow, Batman never seemed so creepy before...
I found a whole bunch of these quotes from the old Adam West Batman. A significant majority follow this pattern:
Robin/Dick Grayson: Gee, I really suck at <insert random subject>, why do I have to learn it?
Batman/Bruce Wayne: Ah, but <insert random subject> is an integral part of every young man's life and/or a cornerstone of our great American values!
Robin/Dick Grayson: Gosh Batman, you're right! I'll study harder!
I've been on a Batman kick lately, and it's all Katieesq's fault. I have all of the episodes of the animated series (the good one with Danny Elfman's music and Mark Hamill as the Joker), and I've been killing time by watching them.
In other news, holy crap, I have a blog! Yet another way that I can waste time online. No good can come of this...
Alright, back to job-hunting.
Right, because I have your street address. 

Well shit the bed.