fits my mood perfectly today.
Everyone in my life is falling apart around me, still. I am still everyone's confessional.
Maybe the rain will wash away their pain...
How did EVERYONE get so fucked up? Is ANYBODY able to deal with their lives and take responsibility for themselves? I mean, everone has a bad day every once in a while, but, Jesus Christ, HAVE A SPINE.

fits my mood perfectly today.
Everyone in my life is falling apart around me, still. I am still everyone's confessional.
Maybe the rain will wash away their pain...
How did EVERYONE get so fucked up? Is ANYBODY able to deal with their lives and take responsibility for themselves? I mean, everone has a bad day every once in a while, but, Jesus Christ, HAVE A SPINE.

i feel special...
tell your bitch-ass friends to leave their drama with their mama. haha seriously...
Ah, the joys of being a confessional. When any one friend starts to rely on me a bit too much, I launch into my "Therapist" mode. "Uh huh, and how long has this been going on? And how does that make you feel?" It drives 'em crazy every time.