It's Coke Dealer Eddie's Birthday.
I show up about 10:30 PM, about 8 people there, all drunk already, there's a KEG of beer.
So, the drinking (for me) begins; everyone else was ripped totally by then
grilling burgers, no light by the grill. Have to guess when food is mad cow free. Cheddar cheese wrapped slices; not American. Surprised because, again, no light, and the difference in taste is significant.
A few other people straggle in.
Coke Dealer Eddie is like 26 now; I am 33. I am the oldest guy there by at least 5 years.
I meet Eddie's pregnant girlfriend for the first time. She's 4.5 months pregnant, I thought this other girl (the 19 year old stripper) is his girlfriend, but, apparently, she was just a piece of ass
again, wtf; I am confused...but, 19 year old stripper has a BAD drug problem and stole his money. Too bad, because I really think she is a sweet girl, just a little misguided in life right now. I hope things work out for her, she reminds me of the girl I just broke up with.
Needless to say, she isn't there, because pregnant girl is there, and they obviously don't get along.
Pregnant girl's friend is giving me the CFM look, but, jesus, she's like 19 or something.
Monroe is looking for smokes. Every time I see that bastard he smokes 4 packs of my cigarrettes. I used to bring 3 extra packs whenever I went to see Eddie; they are both that way. I had great pleasure in telling them that I quit smoking; they were very disappointed.
Monroe won't stop hugging me and telling me that he is "my niggah." He is always telling me that. So I say "yeah, you are my niggah, far out man, get on down."
these girls show up, but they are all Brazilian and are talking to each other in Portuguese. They are just talking to each other, I can't get in on the convo because I don't speak Portuguese, only Spanish.
This other d00d who is Puerto Rican and doesn't speak English starts peeing in the bushes and it is really loud. I tell him "es un fiesta en sus pantalones." He fell over laughing and pissed on himself.
All the guys leave after doing about 6 beer bongs apiece and I am left with the Brazilian girls and Ivan, who is a little fat fuck who is making his 10th cheeseburger.
More 50 Cent on the radio; yay
The dudes were out the side smoking it up and asked me to join them; I did, but I didn't partake this evening.
Monroe wanted to go up to the casino to get some yay. I drove him and this other dude who I never met before from Margate down to Hollywood. After 2 minutes in the car, the dude in the back passed out drunk and Monroe turned my music off and put on 50 Cent. yay.
WE get down to the casino and have to park out in BFE. The dude in the back won't wake up and Monroe spits on him. I tell him to cut that shit out because it's MY CAR FUCKER.
"no disrespect Benjamin...much love"
ok yeah my niggah
Monroe asks how much money I have...oh, super, now I am the wheels AND the finance. I give him $50.
the casino yay dude has been calling ever since we got in the car and is getting impatient. We meet him bu the big neon guitar and walk all the fuck way back to where he is parked. He has this girl with him; she looks like she's had a rough life and could be aged anywhere between 21 and 40; I seriously can't tell, but it is clear who has the drugs and who needs them in the relationship.
Monroe pisses between a couple cars
Yay dude pisses between some cars
I am talking to girl who really doesn't belong there...hell, I don't belong there, because coke isn't my thing. She offers to give me a blow job for $35.
I decline, because I really don't feel like it, wouldn't pay for it, and think that $35 is a suspiciously odd dollar amount to charge for a blow job
The deal is done, I walk all the fuck way back to my car where the dude is still passed out in the back.
Monroe pisses
Eddie starts calling
I tell him he better calm the fuck down; it's a 25 minute drive and I don't need to get pulled over with coke in the car, and why I am picking this stuff up and buying it is beyond me when HE is the dealer.
Monroe is still fucking with the radio
50 cent
"Benjamin have a bump" as he sticks it under my nose while I am driving drunk at 70 mph
"no dude I am driving and I really don't want to be up all night"
He doesn't believe me...
"DUDE have you EVER seen me do coke???!!!??
no answer
Eddie calls
we need to stop to get some blunts and cigs
no gas stations on North side of road
Monroe needs to piss again; stop at the lumberyard. His pants are unzipped before the car stops
No more music; I shut the radio off and Monroe gets pissed. He is now drunk, high, and coked up.
Eddie calling
Fuck it go back to Eddie's "crib"
The girls are gone
the dude is still passed out in my car; now they want to go to All Star's
I am leaving, because I see shenanegans when 8 drunk dudes show up at a bar at 3:00 AM with some 8 balls...problem is, nobody knows who this drunk dude is passed out in my back seat.
They start fucking with him. They want to make him piss his pants but I remind them again that it is MY car.
I pick him up and carry him across the street, dump him in Eddie's yard
Try to get money back from Monroe(who was only 'borrowing' it)...he gives me $20
8 of them pile into a 300M
They go to All Star's (I guess)
I drive home
Taco Bell open until 4
Grilled Steak Burrito and Sierra Mist
read Muse25's post; everyone else read earlier
no sex
I show up about 10:30 PM, about 8 people there, all drunk already, there's a KEG of beer.
So, the drinking (for me) begins; everyone else was ripped totally by then
grilling burgers, no light by the grill. Have to guess when food is mad cow free. Cheddar cheese wrapped slices; not American. Surprised because, again, no light, and the difference in taste is significant.
A few other people straggle in.
Coke Dealer Eddie is like 26 now; I am 33. I am the oldest guy there by at least 5 years.
I meet Eddie's pregnant girlfriend for the first time. She's 4.5 months pregnant, I thought this other girl (the 19 year old stripper) is his girlfriend, but, apparently, she was just a piece of ass
again, wtf; I am confused...but, 19 year old stripper has a BAD drug problem and stole his money. Too bad, because I really think she is a sweet girl, just a little misguided in life right now. I hope things work out for her, she reminds me of the girl I just broke up with.
Needless to say, she isn't there, because pregnant girl is there, and they obviously don't get along.
Pregnant girl's friend is giving me the CFM look, but, jesus, she's like 19 or something.
Monroe is looking for smokes. Every time I see that bastard he smokes 4 packs of my cigarrettes. I used to bring 3 extra packs whenever I went to see Eddie; they are both that way. I had great pleasure in telling them that I quit smoking; they were very disappointed.
Monroe won't stop hugging me and telling me that he is "my niggah." He is always telling me that. So I say "yeah, you are my niggah, far out man, get on down."
these girls show up, but they are all Brazilian and are talking to each other in Portuguese. They are just talking to each other, I can't get in on the convo because I don't speak Portuguese, only Spanish.
This other d00d who is Puerto Rican and doesn't speak English starts peeing in the bushes and it is really loud. I tell him "es un fiesta en sus pantalones." He fell over laughing and pissed on himself.
All the guys leave after doing about 6 beer bongs apiece and I am left with the Brazilian girls and Ivan, who is a little fat fuck who is making his 10th cheeseburger.
More 50 Cent on the radio; yay
The dudes were out the side smoking it up and asked me to join them; I did, but I didn't partake this evening.
Monroe wanted to go up to the casino to get some yay. I drove him and this other dude who I never met before from Margate down to Hollywood. After 2 minutes in the car, the dude in the back passed out drunk and Monroe turned my music off and put on 50 Cent. yay.
WE get down to the casino and have to park out in BFE. The dude in the back won't wake up and Monroe spits on him. I tell him to cut that shit out because it's MY CAR FUCKER.
"no disrespect Benjamin...much love"
ok yeah my niggah
Monroe asks how much money I have...oh, super, now I am the wheels AND the finance. I give him $50.
the casino yay dude has been calling ever since we got in the car and is getting impatient. We meet him bu the big neon guitar and walk all the fuck way back to where he is parked. He has this girl with him; she looks like she's had a rough life and could be aged anywhere between 21 and 40; I seriously can't tell, but it is clear who has the drugs and who needs them in the relationship.
Monroe pisses between a couple cars
Yay dude pisses between some cars
I am talking to girl who really doesn't belong there...hell, I don't belong there, because coke isn't my thing. She offers to give me a blow job for $35.
I decline, because I really don't feel like it, wouldn't pay for it, and think that $35 is a suspiciously odd dollar amount to charge for a blow job
The deal is done, I walk all the fuck way back to my car where the dude is still passed out in the back.
Monroe pisses
Eddie starts calling
I tell him he better calm the fuck down; it's a 25 minute drive and I don't need to get pulled over with coke in the car, and why I am picking this stuff up and buying it is beyond me when HE is the dealer.
Monroe is still fucking with the radio
50 cent
"Benjamin have a bump" as he sticks it under my nose while I am driving drunk at 70 mph
"no dude I am driving and I really don't want to be up all night"
He doesn't believe me...
"DUDE have you EVER seen me do coke???!!!??

no answer
Eddie calls
we need to stop to get some blunts and cigs
no gas stations on North side of road
Monroe needs to piss again; stop at the lumberyard. His pants are unzipped before the car stops
No more music; I shut the radio off and Monroe gets pissed. He is now drunk, high, and coked up.
Eddie calling
Fuck it go back to Eddie's "crib"
The girls are gone
the dude is still passed out in my car; now they want to go to All Star's
I am leaving, because I see shenanegans when 8 drunk dudes show up at a bar at 3:00 AM with some 8 balls...problem is, nobody knows who this drunk dude is passed out in my back seat.
They start fucking with him. They want to make him piss his pants but I remind them again that it is MY car.
I pick him up and carry him across the street, dump him in Eddie's yard
Try to get money back from Monroe(who was only 'borrowing' it)...he gives me $20

8 of them pile into a 300M
They go to All Star's (I guess)
I drive home
Taco Bell open until 4
Grilled Steak Burrito and Sierra Mist
read Muse25's post; everyone else read earlier
no sex
interesting night
yeah i prolly wouldn't recognize u, but u better say hi anyway!