Sleep continues to elude me. Strangely enough, I am still focused. I don't understand; it's been since Friday morning since I have slept to any degree. I get the feeling tonight will be more of the same.
Ambien ahoy.
A trip to my doctor, I believe, will do the trick. This guy is ghetto, and I think he will give me whatever I want...
Bring it
I have to move slowly when I stand up or I will pass out. I see stars if my head is more than 3 feet off the ground...
Not good times.
Luckily, I have been here before. Soon I will start seeing things, which is entertaining. The good news is that whenever I do start hallucinating it is a fantasy. Not always sexual, mind you, but real fantasy. Off the wall people appearing at my bedside, imagined phone conversations, thoughts of alternate lives, divergent paths, extradimensional visions...
Don't worry; I am not crazy, I know it is just lack of sleep, not some sort of spiritual truth. I won't dispute that there are paranormal phenomena in our world that cannot be explained through current scientific means, and I will keep a very open mind, but I know when it's just my brain being stupid and seeing shit that isn't there. I wish I could keep the memories, but, unfortunately, memory is one of the things that stops working after 4 days without sleep.
I have a journal that I write in, but if I put the stuff that I see on no sleep in there I guarantee that at some future date it will be used against me in a court of law.
Alternately, if I ever do become famous, I am pretty sure that my journal will be published against my will and that I will be labeled as 'eccentric' rather than 'insane.'
Again, don't worry; it's just the lack of sleep. Kind of makes me transcendental.
Anybody ever play the original Resident Evil?
Zombie fried rice.
Ultra Music Fest this weekend. As long as I can get right by Thursday I will be all good to party.
Someone new has a crush on me and it's cool. I can use the ego boost right now. Trying to tell if she is too innocent for me or not. I get the feeling that she hides it well...recommend further investigation. Hell I can't even tell how old she is. She's Russian; a favorite of mine. Young, blonde, very pretty, great body. She might be my type; we shall see.
She will definitely make a certain somebody jealous...but that's only an added bonus.
I am evil.
Off to lala land...
Ambien ahoy.
A trip to my doctor, I believe, will do the trick. This guy is ghetto, and I think he will give me whatever I want...
Bring it
I have to move slowly when I stand up or I will pass out. I see stars if my head is more than 3 feet off the ground...
Not good times.
Luckily, I have been here before. Soon I will start seeing things, which is entertaining. The good news is that whenever I do start hallucinating it is a fantasy. Not always sexual, mind you, but real fantasy. Off the wall people appearing at my bedside, imagined phone conversations, thoughts of alternate lives, divergent paths, extradimensional visions...
Don't worry; I am not crazy, I know it is just lack of sleep, not some sort of spiritual truth. I won't dispute that there are paranormal phenomena in our world that cannot be explained through current scientific means, and I will keep a very open mind, but I know when it's just my brain being stupid and seeing shit that isn't there. I wish I could keep the memories, but, unfortunately, memory is one of the things that stops working after 4 days without sleep.
I have a journal that I write in, but if I put the stuff that I see on no sleep in there I guarantee that at some future date it will be used against me in a court of law.
Alternately, if I ever do become famous, I am pretty sure that my journal will be published against my will and that I will be labeled as 'eccentric' rather than 'insane.'
Again, don't worry; it's just the lack of sleep. Kind of makes me transcendental.
Anybody ever play the original Resident Evil?
Zombie fried rice.
Ultra Music Fest this weekend. As long as I can get right by Thursday I will be all good to party.
Someone new has a crush on me and it's cool. I can use the ego boost right now. Trying to tell if she is too innocent for me or not. I get the feeling that she hides it well...recommend further investigation. Hell I can't even tell how old she is. She's Russian; a favorite of mine. Young, blonde, very pretty, great body. She might be my type; we shall see.
She will definitely make a certain somebody jealous...but that's only an added bonus.
I am evil.
Off to lala land...
get some sleep bebe.
My current location is prt st lucie. and I'm leaving for texas on saturday. (already planned, bu tyesterday was just a mess so I'm for sure leaving)