Does anybody know anything about dreams here?
I ask, because Ambien gives me fucked up dreams. Last night was weird. I was going to write this last night while the iron was hot but I went back to sleep instead, so I don't remember exactly the order in which these dreams occurrred, or they might have even all been the same dream, and there may have been more.
Vignette #1: I am in some sort of clothing store, like the kind you would find in a mall that is not a major department store like Marshall's or something, more like American Apparel or Hot Topic or some shit. I have no idea what I was doing there. In any case, the store is dark. It's like in Silent Hill or something, just to give the mood. There are a few people working in the store, but they are janitors or something, not like regular store employees. They don't talk to me, just look at me, observing me. They don't even move. and they certainly aren't happy to see me, it's like they are just tolerating me and waiting for me to leave. For some reason, I go through the side door in the store and the remainder of the mall, or building, or whatever it is, is either a) under construction, or b) run down. The rest of the building was very scary, like there was some sort of evil entity or something, so I wanted to get back into the store, but in there it was really creepy. I don't really remember anything else about the dream, sorry.
Vignette #2: An old girlfriend (one that I dated like 12 years ago) called me on the phone for sex. I go over to her apartment, and we end up in bed, but for some reason start, like, just...talking instead of having sex, then, for some reason that I don't remember, I start to masturbate (in the dream, I don't do that in real life more than like two or five times a day). Then, I stop, because I realize that I was masturbating as if I was there by myself, and we go for a walk or something else bizarre...
I mean, normally I have no dreams that I remember. When I am on Lunesta I don't remember ANYTHING, I just get good sleep. Ambien gives me some bizarre shit...I wake up crying, or screaming (in my know how when you wake yourself up from a scary dream where you are in abject terror you actually find yourself moaning softly when you awake, like you cn't speak...?) or just generally terrified.
I have had a few instances of clairvoyance in my dreams. Not enough that I would say that I am psychic, but a few times I have had foreshadowing of things very specific that happened. Not normal things, like losing your wallet, but things that are so off the wall that your brain will definitely tell you that you hve SEEN THE FUTURE.
Does time exist all at once...? If so, I hope that I never chose masturbation over sex. Hell no; I'm not goiong down like that.
I ask, because Ambien gives me fucked up dreams. Last night was weird. I was going to write this last night while the iron was hot but I went back to sleep instead, so I don't remember exactly the order in which these dreams occurrred, or they might have even all been the same dream, and there may have been more.
Vignette #1: I am in some sort of clothing store, like the kind you would find in a mall that is not a major department store like Marshall's or something, more like American Apparel or Hot Topic or some shit. I have no idea what I was doing there. In any case, the store is dark. It's like in Silent Hill or something, just to give the mood. There are a few people working in the store, but they are janitors or something, not like regular store employees. They don't talk to me, just look at me, observing me. They don't even move. and they certainly aren't happy to see me, it's like they are just tolerating me and waiting for me to leave. For some reason, I go through the side door in the store and the remainder of the mall, or building, or whatever it is, is either a) under construction, or b) run down. The rest of the building was very scary, like there was some sort of evil entity or something, so I wanted to get back into the store, but in there it was really creepy. I don't really remember anything else about the dream, sorry.
Vignette #2: An old girlfriend (one that I dated like 12 years ago) called me on the phone for sex. I go over to her apartment, and we end up in bed, but for some reason start, like, just...talking instead of having sex, then, for some reason that I don't remember, I start to masturbate (in the dream, I don't do that in real life more than like two or five times a day). Then, I stop, because I realize that I was masturbating as if I was there by myself, and we go for a walk or something else bizarre...
I mean, normally I have no dreams that I remember. When I am on Lunesta I don't remember ANYTHING, I just get good sleep. Ambien gives me some bizarre shit...I wake up crying, or screaming (in my know how when you wake yourself up from a scary dream where you are in abject terror you actually find yourself moaning softly when you awake, like you cn't speak...?) or just generally terrified.
I have had a few instances of clairvoyance in my dreams. Not enough that I would say that I am psychic, but a few times I have had foreshadowing of things very specific that happened. Not normal things, like losing your wallet, but things that are so off the wall that your brain will definitely tell you that you hve SEEN THE FUTURE.
Does time exist all at once...? If so, I hope that I never chose masturbation over sex. Hell no; I'm not goiong down like that.

YAY! thanks for chatting.
happy dreams