The girl
I met her a year ago; she is a retail associate in one of those highly overpriced boutiques for fashion on South Beach that you really only shop at if you feel the need to spend too much.
Immediately I was smitten. It doesn't happen often to me; I can fall in love four times a day but only rarely do I remember a week later. For her, I came back again, twice. Due to other things going on in my life at the time, I didn't spend any energy on this other than some occasional reminiscing about the way she looked at me, always fondly.
Every time I was in the store, I was always with a different girl, always one of my friends, but still, the electricity was palpable, just under the surface of reality. Very pleasant, but nothing definite. Always the same comments from my friends afterwards..."wow, she really digs you."
I had been thinking about her a lot, recently, for some reason. I hadn't been back there shopping for months, and I felt the wish to return, specifically to see her. Something was telling me...
Long, beautiful chestnut hair, brown-hazel eyes, pale skin, red red lips, a fantastic body, and an incredible Russian accent. That appendix scar. That crooked nose, long eyelashes, that smile. She looked at me when I talked to her, and looked at me when I wasn't talking to her. It was like there was an energy tether in the air between us. Everything I said was right, and I wasn't even trying. Sometimes, things go your way. I was going to see her on Saturday.
I was there on friday, down the street, eating sushi at an outdoor table with some new friends. It began to rain, hard, with a rising gale and huge drops that splashed the dust all over everything. We ran for cover under a marquee for a theater to wait it out.
I saw a girl walking by, soaking, in the sheets of rain. I thought I recognized her, I had to know...I ran out in the rain after her and caught her after a few feet. "Hey," I said; I think I sounded nervous. I caught her attention.
She hadn't seen me since September, and it took her a few moments, but she knew me. She was surprised, and happily so, to see me...I don't even remember what we spoke of, and it was only for a moment, but it seemed like it lasted an hour, with the rain whipping around us and people with garbage bags over their party clothes running in the flood all about us, and she held my arm, lightly, as if it was completely natural to do so...
She had to run, it was pouring. She told me to stop by the store tomorrow; she was working until ten, and then she ran down the street.
I had to explain this to my friends; they just saw me tearing out into the street after this girl, she was so beautiful, and she just stopped to talk to me as if she was looking for was beautiful and poignant, a moment I will remember always, maybe the thing that lifts my spirits when all is dark.
Saturday, I went back there, I spied the store where she works, and took a few moments to collect myself. My phone was ringing and I had to pee. I took care of the phone, and relegated my need to relieve myself to another part of my brain, I just didn't have the energy to find a restroom there, I went in.
We talked as if she wasn't working, for way too long, but I had to tell her why I was there, why I came back, why I wanted to see her. I don't think that I had ever approached a girl in this way before; I said, "look, I don't know your story, I don't know if you're seeing anybody, I don't even know if you are married...I just had to come and see you, I have been thinking about you since we met, and I just really wanted you to know that."
It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, just words, that's all; and I didn't sound like a stalker. It just really came from the heart, the way you think it is supposed to happen. I don't think she knew what to say, but it obviously made her happy, like there was a connection there that she was waiting for me to make, and it finally happened.
We got to talking about things, and as it turns out, she had just broken up with her boyfriend the night before. I could tell at that point, after she said it, that she had been crying earlier, or maybe had a rough night, but, hell, she is beautiful. What I wouldn't give...
She asked me about what was going on with me, and so I told her that I have been single for a while, about a year, and that I just moved down to Miami from Ft Lauderdale. Didn't go into too many details about the last one, because she wouldn't have believed me anyway, it's just too ridiculous.
I gave her my number, and told her that she doesn't need to call me today, but that I would really like it if she called me, when she has had a chance to think about what I said. I know she will. It is almost certain, like destiny, Jesus, I don't think it has ever happened like this before.
wow. I wonder...? I am looking forward to this.
I met her a year ago; she is a retail associate in one of those highly overpriced boutiques for fashion on South Beach that you really only shop at if you feel the need to spend too much.
Immediately I was smitten. It doesn't happen often to me; I can fall in love four times a day but only rarely do I remember a week later. For her, I came back again, twice. Due to other things going on in my life at the time, I didn't spend any energy on this other than some occasional reminiscing about the way she looked at me, always fondly.
Every time I was in the store, I was always with a different girl, always one of my friends, but still, the electricity was palpable, just under the surface of reality. Very pleasant, but nothing definite. Always the same comments from my friends afterwards..."wow, she really digs you."
I had been thinking about her a lot, recently, for some reason. I hadn't been back there shopping for months, and I felt the wish to return, specifically to see her. Something was telling me...
Long, beautiful chestnut hair, brown-hazel eyes, pale skin, red red lips, a fantastic body, and an incredible Russian accent. That appendix scar. That crooked nose, long eyelashes, that smile. She looked at me when I talked to her, and looked at me when I wasn't talking to her. It was like there was an energy tether in the air between us. Everything I said was right, and I wasn't even trying. Sometimes, things go your way. I was going to see her on Saturday.
I was there on friday, down the street, eating sushi at an outdoor table with some new friends. It began to rain, hard, with a rising gale and huge drops that splashed the dust all over everything. We ran for cover under a marquee for a theater to wait it out.
I saw a girl walking by, soaking, in the sheets of rain. I thought I recognized her, I had to know...I ran out in the rain after her and caught her after a few feet. "Hey," I said; I think I sounded nervous. I caught her attention.
She hadn't seen me since September, and it took her a few moments, but she knew me. She was surprised, and happily so, to see me...I don't even remember what we spoke of, and it was only for a moment, but it seemed like it lasted an hour, with the rain whipping around us and people with garbage bags over their party clothes running in the flood all about us, and she held my arm, lightly, as if it was completely natural to do so...
She had to run, it was pouring. She told me to stop by the store tomorrow; she was working until ten, and then she ran down the street.
I had to explain this to my friends; they just saw me tearing out into the street after this girl, she was so beautiful, and she just stopped to talk to me as if she was looking for was beautiful and poignant, a moment I will remember always, maybe the thing that lifts my spirits when all is dark.
Saturday, I went back there, I spied the store where she works, and took a few moments to collect myself. My phone was ringing and I had to pee. I took care of the phone, and relegated my need to relieve myself to another part of my brain, I just didn't have the energy to find a restroom there, I went in.
We talked as if she wasn't working, for way too long, but I had to tell her why I was there, why I came back, why I wanted to see her. I don't think that I had ever approached a girl in this way before; I said, "look, I don't know your story, I don't know if you're seeing anybody, I don't even know if you are married...I just had to come and see you, I have been thinking about you since we met, and I just really wanted you to know that."
It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, just words, that's all; and I didn't sound like a stalker. It just really came from the heart, the way you think it is supposed to happen. I don't think she knew what to say, but it obviously made her happy, like there was a connection there that she was waiting for me to make, and it finally happened.
We got to talking about things, and as it turns out, she had just broken up with her boyfriend the night before. I could tell at that point, after she said it, that she had been crying earlier, or maybe had a rough night, but, hell, she is beautiful. What I wouldn't give...
She asked me about what was going on with me, and so I told her that I have been single for a while, about a year, and that I just moved down to Miami from Ft Lauderdale. Didn't go into too many details about the last one, because she wouldn't have believed me anyway, it's just too ridiculous.
I gave her my number, and told her that she doesn't need to call me today, but that I would really like it if she called me, when she has had a chance to think about what I said. I know she will. It is almost certain, like destiny, Jesus, I don't think it has ever happened like this before.
wow. I wonder...? I am looking forward to this.

Tell me that you've got that painting in the mail! I don't want to have to maim postal workers.