Last night something very strange happened. I messed around with another guy.
It was bound to happen, sooner or later, when you have as many 'alternative', gay, whatever. Sooner or later, you are going to be put in that situation.
With all of my openness, I was sure of my orientation. I am definitely straight, no surprise there. It was relieving, however, to know now for a FACT that I am not homophobic. This was something that bothered me. I always thought I was ok with people being whatever they want to be, but sometimes you just never know until you are put on the spot.
Gay guys hit on me all the time. I don't think that's because I am all that, I just think it comes with the territory of them being gay and 'out' and accepting of themselves. Of course, I do give off the gay vibe. It's not the way I talk or walk or anything, I seem to think I just have an overall aura that makes people think I am 'in the club' so to speak.
Actually, I find this flattering. I have no straight male friends. I don't like to go 'Bro Down' with the guys. I like being with women. Gay guys, they are cool, and I hang out with them, but that point always comes when I have to have 'the talk' can be fun.
Still sitting at 178# by the way. 6 weeks left in THE CHALLENGE. 13 pounds...can I do it? Well, the haircut I got yesterday took off a couple pounds, hehe.
It was bound to happen, sooner or later, when you have as many 'alternative', gay, whatever. Sooner or later, you are going to be put in that situation.
With all of my openness, I was sure of my orientation. I am definitely straight, no surprise there. It was relieving, however, to know now for a FACT that I am not homophobic. This was something that bothered me. I always thought I was ok with people being whatever they want to be, but sometimes you just never know until you are put on the spot.
Gay guys hit on me all the time. I don't think that's because I am all that, I just think it comes with the territory of them being gay and 'out' and accepting of themselves. Of course, I do give off the gay vibe. It's not the way I talk or walk or anything, I seem to think I just have an overall aura that makes people think I am 'in the club' so to speak.
Actually, I find this flattering. I have no straight male friends. I don't like to go 'Bro Down' with the guys. I like being with women. Gay guys, they are cool, and I hang out with them, but that point always comes when I have to have 'the talk' can be fun.
Still sitting at 178# by the way. 6 weeks left in THE CHALLENGE. 13 pounds...can I do it? Well, the haircut I got yesterday took off a couple pounds, hehe.
sooo... what'd you do with him?