Is it bad that I am more excited about what color my favorite SGs have dyed their hair, or what kind of makeup they are wearing, or what kind of outfits they have on than seeing them naked?

I swear if I didn't love women so much I would be one. tongue
For those of you who know me and may not know what I am all about, GLBT issues are my pet issue. Although I am (mostly) straight, I have no issue standing with a gay man or woman and saying that I am their brother. I don't really know a better way to put it, but there it is. I can see no greater issue...
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It is terrible. It pisses me off. Im sorry I caught your blog so late but I want you to know that I feel the exact same way, coming from a gay home and living amongst many gay people whom I love and care for. This video is incredible, and not in a good way at all. It makes me sick with anger and hurt for those who will a) watch and believe it and b) watch it and feel its deep seeded lies about their lives. I cannot believe for a second that any educated human being allowed this THING to air... Anyway. Grrrr
I'm a mega fuckin dork man. Can't help it.

Don't read that if you have a penis. If you don't have one, read it and have a laugh.

Also, on a COMPLETELY unrelated subject, I am now officially going 100% celibate. I like sex and everything, but I can't take the crazies anymore. This last one just beat it all out of me. I'm tired, tired, TIRED of the bullshit, the drama, the...
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Ohh hhhhh my. That was informative smile And COOL!!!

I'm feeling old

I am waiting now for only one more school decision, and that is from the University of Florida. Miami has accepted me, and I was just there this last weekend. I do, however, feel a large amount of concern over these times in which we live.

I am 37. I will be 15 years older than most of the people I will...
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Yeah, I know University of Miami is a private college.
Ok - Brain is better and I want to go adventuring.
and to chat and to put things in order where they're pretty -- so I have a pretty place to come home to.

so - if you'd like to have any part of that, i need your number again so I can call you and visit or adventure or talk or laugh or dance or some such sillyness.
The story you are about to read is pretty much true, from what I remember. The names haven't really been changed because a) nobody is innocent, and b) they wouldn't care anyway. It was in 1994.

John was nimble, after a fashion. He was also incredibly awkward. We thought the awkwardness was an act for our benefit. Nobody really gave it too much thought because...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

dealing with major social anxiety and also jet lag - so, let me get that sorted allittle and i'll call when my brain is better.

The Singularity:


For those that have never heard of the Singularity, it is in so many words the point in technology at which the human body becomes irrelevant. One of the things implicated is that man will be able to transfer consciousness into a purely non-biological form. Other implications are that AI will become more advanced than human brains, and will decide that it...
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I can say one thing at this point that is very positive about having never been married, and for that matter, staying largely single my whole life. I am free to fall in love with whomever I want whenever I want, and I don't have to feel guilty about it. I haven't in my life ever made promises to any lover that I can't still...
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Audrey, sweet Audrey
Dancing in Daddy's big pine office
Walking bass
Like an alligator strolling in a ballroom
It makes you sway

Audrey, sweet Audrey
What do you hear?
Cool beat, the last of an era
You feel it, I know
You feel it

Audrey, sweet Audrey
Your perfect sweater
Your arched brow
You know you are Daddy's girl
Daddy will make everything all right...
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I am very happy to say that I found a new text editor to work with when I am writing. I had always before just used Open Office (which is a great Windows Office clone...if you pirate Word or Excel or Power Point you don't have to. Open Office is free at OpenOffice.org), but I had always wanted to be able to work with a...
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More bad news today; I just found out that another potential employer has turned me down. I really don't know what I am going to do. I think it has come to the point that I will be living in my parents' house again. I feel so incredibly pathetic...

I really need a job until school starts! This is bad.
dont worry, most of us are unemployed today. Its not your fault

i haven had a job for quite some time now
come live with me in South Carolina while I go to school until oh - late december!
It'll be a blast!
(We'll have a garden even - maybe.)