Because I am a fairly disreputable person, I have been known to occasionally do such things as lie on the ground looking up at the sky through the branches of an ancient maple tree in an old graveyard in Hardwick.
I would imagine what the world used to look like 200 years ago, when the people in the graveyard were still around. The sky, the dirt roads, the corn, the privies and the cast iron pots hanging racks over the fire. Imagining what they would say to one another, nice things or mean things? Did they have a sense of humor, did they imagine what the world would be like in the future, would they abuse the earth just as their descendants are doing right now?
I like to imagie how it was to see automobiles for the first time, to see things whey they first came out, when they were new and modern. I imagine medicine bottles with printed paper labels on them, purchasing them, having faith in modern medicine to cure one's ailments.
I remembered this old film clip I saw once, some people working in a steel mill. In a steel mill you couldn't have coins in your pockets, they would get hot and burn your leg. You had to bring lunches that wouldn't get moldy in the heat. But the film clip was of a gang of men turning a huge block of steel which was mounted on poles, turning it to be shaped by an enourmos triphammer falling on it from above.
Then I thought that Tripp Hammer would cool name to have. What would a person named Tripp Hammer do? I guess he would have to be a professional motorcycle racer or something similarly interesting. He sounds like a character in one of those cheezy bodice-ripper type romance novels.
Or it would be a good name for a porn star. Too bad I do not look at all like someone who could plausibly be named Tripp Hammer.
Looking it up out of curiosity, there appears to be some kind of small business in Helena Montana called Tripp Hammer. Would that I were original.
I'm kind of a bad son. I had this vague possible remembrance that my mom had invited me up to the house for easter but I had to head off to parts unknown to photograph waterfalls, out of cell phone range. My mom and brother were trying to get a hold of me, wondering where the hell I was. Oh well.
I think to be a successful landscape photographer in new england, you'd have to be a supreme photoshop master, to edit out the superfluous trees, that are standing or lying around everywhere.

Or bring a chain saw.
Happy Earth Day!

I think to be a good landscape photographer anywhere with a thick trees, you need to be a photoshop master. Case in point, I took a lot of pictures last weekend: