On Saturday it struck me that "Antepenult" is not accented on the antepenult. Not finding quite as many good photos as I would like. They are out there, I guess. You do find things when you go out looking for things, but it is not entirely predictable.
I had my one year evaluation at work recently. I've been thinking about the various ways you can see how truck drivers are second class citizens. People don't specifically aritculate it that way, but you can see it when you're aware that it's there.
my Serbian friend found it and sent it to me. my favourite part is the "like a bitch" echo. 

I kind of want to become a truck driver. I actually thought about that today when I was driving to school. In a daydream, I could imagine seeing so much out of the windows and loving it. I know that's silly, but I love to be in a car.