I finally got my alpha 900.

Arguably there are cheaper cameras suitable for photographing your cats, but actually a lot of cameras might not have gotten this image. With a huge bright viewfinder and snappy accurate autofocus I was able to capture a fleeting moment I might otherwise have missed. Reminds me of why Cartier-Bresson and other noted people photographers favored Leica rangerfinders, the bright viewfinder and fast focus allowed them to capture the unrepeatable instants.
This is a pretty yucky time of year photographywise, not that I haven't said that before. Maybe I'll head out somewhere and try and find some interesting textures on old buildings. It's supposed to be turning rainy and snowy soon. Another month or so and It will be better weather for exploring nearby cities from my bike.
Friday night up at the open mic one of the guys I know told me about manifesting his new girlfriend, which now that I think about it, I don't know exact process but it involves thinking positively and having the resultant vibes radiate out into the world, generating beneficial results. That runs pretty contrary to my thought process of late. Showing up for work I never know if I'm going to be handed and easy day or a 13 hour nightmare. Things don't have metaphysical or psychic signatures. Pretty much what I think every morning when I get out of my car and walk towards the coke building is that the people who entered the world trade center on 9/11 didn't know that they were going to die that day. If any event would have a psychic signature that you could feel that would be it. Slot machines make money because they are completely random, or more accurately they win infrequently enough that they take in more money than they give out, but people tell themselves that they feel something when there is nothing at all to feel. So I keep this in mind when I find myself entertaining an anttude based on gut instinct as to whether or not I'm going to have a bad day.
On the other hand you could say that "manifesting" something like my friend was doing, is doing something now, rather than predicting something in the future. Whatever. For me it appears just to be what results from subltle communications you send out to others when you are in a positive frame of mind.
I get that people who are positive can interact with the world much more positively than persons with negative attitudes. Being active versus reactive. I understand that as a concept, but I have trouble being positive knowing what I know of what kinds of people do well in this world, as compared to what kind person I am. Don't like work and don't like people. BAD combination.
I'm just starting to repeat myself, I've blogged about this shit before.
You might say about various noted artists, that they came up with an artistic idea of some sort, and their response was generally: "This is it! this is what everyone has been missing, this is what I'm going to communicate about!"
Some years ago on the second floor of the forbes library in my hometown of northampton mass there was an exhibit of some photographs from the late 19th century of african american families in front of their homes, that were extracted from an archive of images made by a couple of guys who if I recall correctly photogaphed all of the homes in the area. But anyway, the photographs were made on glass plates, huge surfaces for collecting visual information, and my response to seeing those images was that I was awed at the texture they captured, the grass and wood and dirt. the commentary that the people who put up the exhibit posted, indicated that the images communicated a sense of separateness between the african and white communities, but I did not experience any feeling whatsoever along those lines, because I was so caught up in the overwhelming sensory experience of seeing images made from those enourmous glass plate negatives.
I once came across a book about the japanese art movement called wabi-sabi, which is an aesthetic that celebrates the texture of things that are impermanent and decaying, things like rusty old sheds, worn out sneakers and the like. I very much liked that book and relate to the sensiblity behind it. It is however one of those deceptively difficult artistic expressions to master, in that you have to a tremendously refined eye and sense of composition to effectively communicate the exqisite and subtle beauty in objects scarred by time.
Sometimes I think I need to move out west, it's more photogenic out there, everything here is covered in a tangle of weeds.

Arguably there are cheaper cameras suitable for photographing your cats, but actually a lot of cameras might not have gotten this image. With a huge bright viewfinder and snappy accurate autofocus I was able to capture a fleeting moment I might otherwise have missed. Reminds me of why Cartier-Bresson and other noted people photographers favored Leica rangerfinders, the bright viewfinder and fast focus allowed them to capture the unrepeatable instants.
This is a pretty yucky time of year photographywise, not that I haven't said that before. Maybe I'll head out somewhere and try and find some interesting textures on old buildings. It's supposed to be turning rainy and snowy soon. Another month or so and It will be better weather for exploring nearby cities from my bike.
Friday night up at the open mic one of the guys I know told me about manifesting his new girlfriend, which now that I think about it, I don't know exact process but it involves thinking positively and having the resultant vibes radiate out into the world, generating beneficial results. That runs pretty contrary to my thought process of late. Showing up for work I never know if I'm going to be handed and easy day or a 13 hour nightmare. Things don't have metaphysical or psychic signatures. Pretty much what I think every morning when I get out of my car and walk towards the coke building is that the people who entered the world trade center on 9/11 didn't know that they were going to die that day. If any event would have a psychic signature that you could feel that would be it. Slot machines make money because they are completely random, or more accurately they win infrequently enough that they take in more money than they give out, but people tell themselves that they feel something when there is nothing at all to feel. So I keep this in mind when I find myself entertaining an anttude based on gut instinct as to whether or not I'm going to have a bad day.
On the other hand you could say that "manifesting" something like my friend was doing, is doing something now, rather than predicting something in the future. Whatever. For me it appears just to be what results from subltle communications you send out to others when you are in a positive frame of mind.
I get that people who are positive can interact with the world much more positively than persons with negative attitudes. Being active versus reactive. I understand that as a concept, but I have trouble being positive knowing what I know of what kinds of people do well in this world, as compared to what kind person I am. Don't like work and don't like people. BAD combination.
I'm just starting to repeat myself, I've blogged about this shit before.
You might say about various noted artists, that they came up with an artistic idea of some sort, and their response was generally: "This is it! this is what everyone has been missing, this is what I'm going to communicate about!"
Some years ago on the second floor of the forbes library in my hometown of northampton mass there was an exhibit of some photographs from the late 19th century of african american families in front of their homes, that were extracted from an archive of images made by a couple of guys who if I recall correctly photogaphed all of the homes in the area. But anyway, the photographs were made on glass plates, huge surfaces for collecting visual information, and my response to seeing those images was that I was awed at the texture they captured, the grass and wood and dirt. the commentary that the people who put up the exhibit posted, indicated that the images communicated a sense of separateness between the african and white communities, but I did not experience any feeling whatsoever along those lines, because I was so caught up in the overwhelming sensory experience of seeing images made from those enourmous glass plate negatives.
I once came across a book about the japanese art movement called wabi-sabi, which is an aesthetic that celebrates the texture of things that are impermanent and decaying, things like rusty old sheds, worn out sneakers and the like. I very much liked that book and relate to the sensiblity behind it. It is however one of those deceptively difficult artistic expressions to master, in that you have to a tremendously refined eye and sense of composition to effectively communicate the exqisite and subtle beauty in objects scarred by time.
Sometimes I think I need to move out west, it's more photogenic out there, everything here is covered in a tangle of weeds.
no gin for me though....still think itll work?
haha defenestration is one of my favorite words, i've definitely overapplied it