saturDAY brainFART
hello sgland.
i did open mic last night. got through 3 and 3/4 songs and my brain kind of shut down for the sixteenth quarter of a song. kind of embarassing but whatever. there's effects when you get up at 345 am four days in a row.
my new alpha 900 should be arrive monday. too bad not today, would have been nice to mess around with it this weekend.
you guys out there know how trucks have air brakes? the compressor is in the tractor and connects to the trailer via hoses. the hoses are right behind the driver's seat. the ramification that means tons to all of you out there is that when you make a sharp left turn, it doesn't effect the lines much, the left corner of the tractor and the left corner of the trailer stay pretty close together. but if you have to make a really sharp right turn, it stretches the airlines a lot. normally the airlines are coiled like a phone cord and it doesn't create a problem, but for some reason or other coke uses straight air hoses that have a very inconvenient finite amount of stretch.
up till recently i never had a problem with this until i had to start making deliveries to a ski resort in western mass. the door the soda goes in is at the top of what is generally an ice covered downhill sloping parking lot, that people aren't actually supposed to park in. the only way to get the truck up to that door is to build up a good head of steam and turn hard when you get to the edge of it to end up with you trailer's back door near the entrance to the building. once you stop, that's where you're staying, the truck can't start upwards on that icy slope once it's come to a halt.
so anyway the first time i went up there i go running up the hill and make a hard right turn, the airlines were overstretched and i broke one. oops, oh well lesson learned, the shop sends a guy you with a new head for the airline. so the next time i went up there i went up the opposite side of the parking lot and turned a hard left and no problem. the third time i went there there was some old fart parked in a handicapped spot that prevented me from getting up as high as i needed to go and, i had to turn too soon and ended up way too far away from the receiving door. i tried and tried to back up but i dug trenches in the slushy ice, and i eventually had no recourse but to go back down the hill and come running back up again and try turning a hard right, and unfortunately i broke the head off the air hose again.
this week i went up there again; there wasn't any ice and i thought i was golden; i could turn around and back right up to the door. now start up your vacuum cleaner and put your hand over the hose so air can't get in, that's what it sounds like when your truck goes through a deep dip in the ground, and the tractor and bend in the vertical direction with respect to one another, and an air hose gets crushed between the front of the trailer and the frame of the truck and gets cut in half. imagine a spontaneous guffaw, that's what it sound like when you call your boss for the third time to explain that you need a new airline at Berkshire East. the shop guys are getting a little bit pissed at me.
heard mention on the radio that the lincoln penny is going to have some new designs on the back, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of lincoln's birth. 100 years of the lincoln penny. i think i have one from 1910. my grandfather was born 100 years ago. makes me conscious of time.
not much else going on i guess, i've been reading about hdr photography, i'd like to have a go at that.
smooch smooch
hello sgland.
i did open mic last night. got through 3 and 3/4 songs and my brain kind of shut down for the sixteenth quarter of a song. kind of embarassing but whatever. there's effects when you get up at 345 am four days in a row.
my new alpha 900 should be arrive monday. too bad not today, would have been nice to mess around with it this weekend.
you guys out there know how trucks have air brakes? the compressor is in the tractor and connects to the trailer via hoses. the hoses are right behind the driver's seat. the ramification that means tons to all of you out there is that when you make a sharp left turn, it doesn't effect the lines much, the left corner of the tractor and the left corner of the trailer stay pretty close together. but if you have to make a really sharp right turn, it stretches the airlines a lot. normally the airlines are coiled like a phone cord and it doesn't create a problem, but for some reason or other coke uses straight air hoses that have a very inconvenient finite amount of stretch.
up till recently i never had a problem with this until i had to start making deliveries to a ski resort in western mass. the door the soda goes in is at the top of what is generally an ice covered downhill sloping parking lot, that people aren't actually supposed to park in. the only way to get the truck up to that door is to build up a good head of steam and turn hard when you get to the edge of it to end up with you trailer's back door near the entrance to the building. once you stop, that's where you're staying, the truck can't start upwards on that icy slope once it's come to a halt.
so anyway the first time i went up there i go running up the hill and make a hard right turn, the airlines were overstretched and i broke one. oops, oh well lesson learned, the shop sends a guy you with a new head for the airline. so the next time i went up there i went up the opposite side of the parking lot and turned a hard left and no problem. the third time i went there there was some old fart parked in a handicapped spot that prevented me from getting up as high as i needed to go and, i had to turn too soon and ended up way too far away from the receiving door. i tried and tried to back up but i dug trenches in the slushy ice, and i eventually had no recourse but to go back down the hill and come running back up again and try turning a hard right, and unfortunately i broke the head off the air hose again.
this week i went up there again; there wasn't any ice and i thought i was golden; i could turn around and back right up to the door. now start up your vacuum cleaner and put your hand over the hose so air can't get in, that's what it sounds like when your truck goes through a deep dip in the ground, and the tractor and bend in the vertical direction with respect to one another, and an air hose gets crushed between the front of the trailer and the frame of the truck and gets cut in half. imagine a spontaneous guffaw, that's what it sound like when you call your boss for the third time to explain that you need a new airline at Berkshire East. the shop guys are getting a little bit pissed at me.
heard mention on the radio that the lincoln penny is going to have some new designs on the back, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of lincoln's birth. 100 years of the lincoln penny. i think i have one from 1910. my grandfather was born 100 years ago. makes me conscious of time.
not much else going on i guess, i've been reading about hdr photography, i'd like to have a go at that.
smooch smooch