Hey there
If any of you guys are in the area and want to say Hi I am presently in a dead truck at exit 36 off I91 NB in connecticut. My truck wouldn't start this morning, so Having gotten to the truck at 8am I got underway at 1247 after some guys came to jumpstart my truck.
I noticed that my batteries weren't charging, and I was going the head for the TA in Maybrook NY where they have a shop, but my truck had no electrical power and I decided it would be safer to turn her around and try to get back to Springfield. Got maybe a mile or two back north before the truck quit. In the low teens outside and a not much warmer inside as the fan wasn't working to blow any heat into the truck before it stalled.
Popped the hood and I have a snapped belt.
I'm not sure whether it would feel worse to keep going in this job, since I have not been beating the odds very well, having incidents in places one should not be bringing these big trucks into, or to just wimp out and quit. I actually did a quick local online job search when I was waiting for the mechanics at the truck stop and phoned one place about maybe driving a straight truck locally. The kind of truck that doesn't bend and you can see what the fuck is behind you.
I'm not a religious person, but on days like this I find it not to get into a thought pattern that god is trying to tell me something, in this case that It's time to get the hell out of this situation. You could also interpret it as my perseverance being tested, I suppose. First my key won't open the door, then the truck won't start then the truck breaks down. All this so I can waste a day on not getting paid to head to a stupid safety meeting where they might suspend or fire me, in addition to wasting more of my time on computer training modules that are really of no help when you're trying to get your back end cinched around an illegally parked vehicle in an icy uuplowed loading area that's only marginally big enough for your truck under ideal conditions. fuck.
go me.
If any of you guys are in the area and want to say Hi I am presently in a dead truck at exit 36 off I91 NB in connecticut. My truck wouldn't start this morning, so Having gotten to the truck at 8am I got underway at 1247 after some guys came to jumpstart my truck.
I noticed that my batteries weren't charging, and I was going the head for the TA in Maybrook NY where they have a shop, but my truck had no electrical power and I decided it would be safer to turn her around and try to get back to Springfield. Got maybe a mile or two back north before the truck quit. In the low teens outside and a not much warmer inside as the fan wasn't working to blow any heat into the truck before it stalled.
Popped the hood and I have a snapped belt.
I'm not sure whether it would feel worse to keep going in this job, since I have not been beating the odds very well, having incidents in places one should not be bringing these big trucks into, or to just wimp out and quit. I actually did a quick local online job search when I was waiting for the mechanics at the truck stop and phoned one place about maybe driving a straight truck locally. The kind of truck that doesn't bend and you can see what the fuck is behind you.
I'm not a religious person, but on days like this I find it not to get into a thought pattern that god is trying to tell me something, in this case that It's time to get the hell out of this situation. You could also interpret it as my perseverance being tested, I suppose. First my key won't open the door, then the truck won't start then the truck breaks down. All this so I can waste a day on not getting paid to head to a stupid safety meeting where they might suspend or fire me, in addition to wasting more of my time on computer training modules that are really of no help when you're trying to get your back end cinched around an illegally parked vehicle in an icy uuplowed loading area that's only marginally big enough for your truck under ideal conditions. fuck.
go me.
Oh man, I hope it gets better for you! Happy New Year, xoxo.
I like your comment on my set; it made me laugh.