So my brothers married. It's been almost a week and that statement still doesn't look right. Wedding was good, bachelor party was good. Rental Tux sucked.
We had the bachelor party the night before the wedding and let me say as good of an idea as this sounds (everyone is in town etc...). IT ISN'T. Between that and the wedding I went on one of...
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We had the bachelor party the night before the wedding and let me say as good of an idea as this sounds (everyone is in town etc...). IT ISN'T. Between that and the wedding I went on one of...
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I'm in that horrible place where I'm bored out of my mind, have no attention span to do anything, and too awake to sleep. This sucks.
My birthday was awesome! I managed 16 shots and 1 drink before getting totally out of hand. Don't think I'll be drinking again for awhile.
I hope you're doing well!

So I'm back on here thanks to some generous friend (or that's what the email told me). Thank you to whomever that was (I have some ideas, but really unsure). Anyone want to admit to it?
Wish it was me but it wasn't. That was super nice though...
Holy shit, so I got an email from suicidegirls asking if i wanted to renew my account, and I did....What I didn't realize is at some point i had switched accounts (around 2004) and it was my OLD account that was up. So I'm now in the process of rebuilding this account. If you all remember for most of my time on the account I...
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Hey, my new pic is up, check out my new septum ring!!!!!
Kick Ass, doll... 

Hey man, just checking in. I added you on AIM, so if I catch you online I'll drop you a line. Maybe we can hang out and appreciate the local girls sometime.
Hey, I got my septum pierced today!!!! I'll put up a pic when I get around to it, This is my 4th piercing and I'm so happy with it!!!!
Hey, I got my septum pierced today!!!! I'll put up a pic when I get around to it, This is my 4th piercing and I'm so happy with it!!!!
What's up?????
Hey, well not much is going on but i felt like putting up a journal. One of my friends from back home is coming up this week so that will be cool. I made a web page about my slef for a class, I don't know If I'm going to post it or not, if I do I'll link it here. Well to everyone that...
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Well I decided to get my septum pierced, I was going to go today, but some stuff came up and I can't afford it now. I'm going to go as son as I can. As I said my set got pulled b/c of the bad image quality if anyone still wants to see it get a hold of me and I'll
e-mail it to you....
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e-mail it to you....
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