And its been a good one, good times with a few good friends and family and even got a few presents, including a big soft blanket with a lone wolf on it and a radio controlled dunebuggy.. im still a kid at heart and love it.
I also delivered most of my hand made metal sign art presents and was happy everyone liked them... spent...
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Yep thats me.. I was even born on thanksgiving day.
Ive also had the turkey with a candle on it for my bday as a joke.. that i didnt find too funny sometimes but now that im older i get the humor in it.
I do want to wish Everyone a great Thanksgiving, hope you enjoy it with your family and appreciate the time with...
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Ambz new set shot by Missy will be up June 1st at 1 am. and its going to be a super tough act to follow.
I've just been doing a few for fun shoots,practising with settings on my Sony and...
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Metal flowers seem to be the thing to do this time of year for metalworkers
It should be up for member review soon, ill post when it is.. I hope my Photography does this amazing young lady justice.
Will post a preview as soon as we hear the set is accepted.
Really looking forward to it.
This past year has been a good one for me and see nothing but more good times and accomplishments ahead.
Will be taking more shoots of my good friend and model Ambz and another alternative model, Racheal Dashae Whom I've wanted to shoot for a long time is finally comming down to my area this month....
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