well, its been a ummm, unhappy few days. Not only has this past weekend been crazy being Turkey Day weekend, it's been crazy because I had to go mess with my hair.
I have always in some way loved my hair...maybe one of my best features. Once upon a time it was healthy wavy Redish Blonde hair that was shiny and stronge. But I had to go and play with the color. I had to straighten it till it was to hot to handle....that made me think of that song, but yeah. So now my hair is so black that it won't go back to it's normal color. I went to a salon and they just Fucked with it. Really bad.
Here's the story, I must vent. I dyed it back in October to a soft black but that wasnt good enough so I went even more black. Then the roots came and I was like let me bleach it out my self which didnt work, so in the end of it all my hair had been dyed like 5 times in a month and was still black. I let it grow out some and then this past Friday I stopped at a salon to have the black removed. They said they would not touch the roots just the black. But did they Ohhh yes they did. I was in that place for 3 freakin hours with then tryin to fix my hair just to end up leaving with the dyeing the whole thing over in.... Black. The color I could perhaps deal with. It will grow out fine. But the fact that my hair has had a near death experiance and that my scalp has a thin layer of dead burned skin on it is unforgiveable. I was pissed needless to say. I didn't pay for it and i think I also put the fear of god in to the poor people in the salon.... You just dont fuck with a girls hair like that then tell me it was what i asked for and that I was being a Baby cause I couldn't handle my hair "tingleing" aka burning like hell fire... She was like well haven't you dyed your hair before. Not 3 times in 3 hours no, no I haven't.
Well I will stop rambleing to everyone because I am sure my venting of my hair problem doesn't make much sense. Any ways... Hope everyone had a nice Turkey Day. Goble Goble
I have always in some way loved my hair...maybe one of my best features. Once upon a time it was healthy wavy Redish Blonde hair that was shiny and stronge. But I had to go and play with the color. I had to straighten it till it was to hot to handle....that made me think of that song, but yeah. So now my hair is so black that it won't go back to it's normal color. I went to a salon and they just Fucked with it. Really bad.
Here's the story, I must vent. I dyed it back in October to a soft black but that wasnt good enough so I went even more black. Then the roots came and I was like let me bleach it out my self which didnt work, so in the end of it all my hair had been dyed like 5 times in a month and was still black. I let it grow out some and then this past Friday I stopped at a salon to have the black removed. They said they would not touch the roots just the black. But did they Ohhh yes they did. I was in that place for 3 freakin hours with then tryin to fix my hair just to end up leaving with the dyeing the whole thing over in.... Black. The color I could perhaps deal with. It will grow out fine. But the fact that my hair has had a near death experiance and that my scalp has a thin layer of dead burned skin on it is unforgiveable. I was pissed needless to say. I didn't pay for it and i think I also put the fear of god in to the poor people in the salon.... You just dont fuck with a girls hair like that then tell me it was what i asked for and that I was being a Baby cause I couldn't handle my hair "tingleing" aka burning like hell fire... She was like well haven't you dyed your hair before. Not 3 times in 3 hours no, no I haven't.
Well I will stop rambleing to everyone because I am sure my venting of my hair problem doesn't make much sense. Any ways... Hope everyone had a nice Turkey Day. Goble Goble