Dressed up as myself... er, I mean, the crazy cat lady for Halloween. Rather, burtlo and Elisabeth's Halloween dress rehearsal party a few weeks before. I actually worked on Halloween.
So, Halloween is over- so that means break out the Christmas goods, right? My guilty pleasure is definitely Christmas. I love the food, the decorations, the smells, even the oh-so-bad songs.
Oh, ginger bread coffee creamer, so yummyyyy...

I visited home and had a lovely time with fabulous people. No pictures of the people, but here is a photo of the tallest Ferris wheel in North America.

And a terrified me at the top, did I mention I am somewhat afraid of heights?

Downing a foot long corn dog... everything is bigger in Texas, right?

Returning to Oregon felt great, I was happy to visit Texas but it was good to be home.

Finally, I will leave you with Coco in her Coco Containment Unit (CCU?)

In the next month I will visit Boise, ID - Seattle, WA - and Dallas, TX. I will see Puscifer, Built to Spill, Metric and 101 Dalmations THE MUSICAL. And, to top it all off I am starting out this month getting three professional massages in one week. Amazing. Hey, it's not all fun and games - if I'm not doing one of the above then I will be working. Or walking the dogs.
want some.