fun times, people, fun times.
i have decided to stop descirbing my taste/preference in music as eclectic and/or varied and begin describing it as agile. because i fucking love the word agile.
had a lurvely weekend. got to take a really awesome woman (the rad lady from my last journal entry (no i'm not fucking calling it a blog you trend humping fashion lemmings (and yes, nested parentheses are sexy))) out to dinner saturday to Les Halles. i've been wanting to go there for some time now as i'm a fan of chef bourdain's shows and, apart from the slight dryness of the duck confit it was a kickass dinner.
a good friend who i don't see much as he lives out in LA was in town and i got to see him for a bit after dinner. we headed back to her place and i got to meet two of her roommates, about whom i've heard lots and it was great to finally meet them. stuff ensued
. not involving the roommates, though
sunday, glowing quietly from saturday's adventures, i spent time wit the family for dad's a bunch of mixing done...and watched deadwood, cuz it's one of the few things on tv i can watch without wanting to rip out my eyeballs and fill the bleeding sockets with molten lead.
for those of you who werent at our party on the 10th, which seems to be everyone except lovemewithanh and tehpunkface (who both rule), we've got a couple videos up on youtube. the first two are my band, DownNeck, doing After All (a new tune which will appear on our upcoming record) and Join The Day (from our first record). and the last is Flick Haze, some real good buddies of ours, doing Flip Flop. not only are they good friends, but they came to be in our studio and we got to watch and assist in their formation and early struggles so it's great to see them kicking as much ass as they are. 's kinda like watchin yer kid grow up, ya know?
comments on the videos are welcome and always appreciated
i have decided to stop descirbing my taste/preference in music as eclectic and/or varied and begin describing it as agile. because i fucking love the word agile.
had a lurvely weekend. got to take a really awesome woman (the rad lady from my last journal entry (no i'm not fucking calling it a blog you trend humping fashion lemmings (and yes, nested parentheses are sexy))) out to dinner saturday to Les Halles. i've been wanting to go there for some time now as i'm a fan of chef bourdain's shows and, apart from the slight dryness of the duck confit it was a kickass dinner.
a good friend who i don't see much as he lives out in LA was in town and i got to see him for a bit after dinner. we headed back to her place and i got to meet two of her roommates, about whom i've heard lots and it was great to finally meet them. stuff ensued

sunday, glowing quietly from saturday's adventures, i spent time wit the family for dad's a bunch of mixing done...and watched deadwood, cuz it's one of the few things on tv i can watch without wanting to rip out my eyeballs and fill the bleeding sockets with molten lead.
for those of you who werent at our party on the 10th, which seems to be everyone except lovemewithanh and tehpunkface (who both rule), we've got a couple videos up on youtube. the first two are my band, DownNeck, doing After All (a new tune which will appear on our upcoming record) and Join The Day (from our first record). and the last is Flick Haze, some real good buddies of ours, doing Flip Flop. not only are they good friends, but they came to be in our studio and we got to watch and assist in their formation and early struggles so it's great to see them kicking as much ass as they are. 's kinda like watchin yer kid grow up, ya know?

comments on the videos are welcome and always appreciated
I'm a giant dork.