It's been a while since I've posted in here. I really like the new format, so I will probably log in more often and update more. I have 2 other blogs. My main one is Livejournal and the other is MySpace. I suppose I can just copy and paste from those, so I'll do that. Since I got a new digital cam, I also plan...
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thanks for putting me in your faves, I am glad that you liked my set 

You are very precious.

Being broke sucks ass. I want to start working on a musical, but that requires money too. I think I may go into business with my future room-mate (which may not even happen now, because he's good friends with my ex.. and yeah..) We're thinking of making an underground absinthe and just sell it to friends to earn a profit. Mmm.. should drink some after...
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sorry you were/are broke... have a happy birthday i hope! 

spiderman wishes you a happy birthday!

Hmm.. I've been told I should post a journal entry on here and maybe I would get more comments. HAHAHA. Thank you IceAndStone. I guess I never posted on here, because I usually just post on my dead journal.
Well.. this is the last night of my couple days off and I'm a little tired. Haven't gotten much sleep yesterday. Wish Ex-Gf's weren't such...
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Well.. this is the last night of my couple days off and I'm a little tired. Haven't gotten much sleep yesterday. Wish Ex-Gf's weren't such...
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You have great tastes in music and I love your screen name.
Thanx Niobe.. anybody who worships Trent is awesome in my book.