I'm getting old and starting to get the urge to find someone to settle down with. I think I'm going to try to break into this dating thing. as busy as I have been in my professional life, I still find time to mope on weekend nights. definitely don't want to end up living all alone in an empty house. if that happens, I'm definitely hiring my own Alfred.
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Friday Jul 19, 2013
Calling all comas. Prisoner on the loose. Description: A spitting… -
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
I'm getting old and starting to get the urge to find someone to sett… -
Being in school made things very hard because it took up so much of my time between class, studying and projects. Now that I'm out of school things are better but still tough because I've got a lot of other responsibilities to balance - it doesn't help that I've been bouncing around between temporary jobs looking for something permanent. Once that gets settled out within the next few months I'll be on better footing.
Bottom line is go for it because things will keep coming up and if you don't make it a priority it will keep slipping and slipping.