My job was completely horrific today. To elaborate would wear me out entirely but one of many bad things that happened in this fucked up situation was a coworker saying that I "need to be a man". To that motherfucker I now say what I should have said. I have handled more shit in my life at my age then most people put up with in five lifetimes and been knocked down countless and gotten back up and fought. I been through times where I wanted to do nothing but give in and kill myself but I toughed it out. Yes I am a man and I have more toughness in my little toe than he might have in his whole body because I dont have need to use manipulative little comments to berate somebody else to get what I want.
I vented. now I feel better.
I vented. now I feel better.
fuck that idiot. don't let him get to you.
mean people are stupid