Wow, it's been a while. It seems I am pretty much always behind in the whole updating my blogs thing. Just about anyone that reads it knows me in person anyway, so I guess it's no biggie.
So at the moment I'm taking a break from getting ready to head to the airport after bit. Work is sending me down to Irvine for a week for training on a piece of our new EMR software. I'm not actually looking forward to it that much, as I'm not wild about the week long interruption in my life. Especially since I'm a bit broke (more on that next paragraph), and cant tack on any extra days to go do fun stuff. However, I'm taking this all as a good thing. With the job market how it is, I'm choosing to interpret them sending me to training as a sign that my job is stable. Really, could I ask for much more than that right now? Anyways, if anyone has any reccomendations for some stuff to do in the evenings during the week in Irvine (I'm getting some spending money from the office, so cool restraunts/bars are just fine), I'd love to hear them.
Last month I had a dental checkup. Not surprisingly, this is the story that ends with me feeling kinda broke. Anyway, I've had this little lump that comes and goes on my gums for the past handful of years. The thought had been that it was an allergic reaction to something. So this time it was there when I was at the dentist, and it turns out it's an abscess. Ended up being that the root canal I had done like 7 or 8 years ago had failed, and I had a decent sized infection up there. Funny that it'd never hurt or anything. So first they tried a re-treat of the root canal that failed. Then they did a neat surgery called an apicoectomy, where they peel back the gums, cut a hole in the jawbone, then remove part of the tooth's roots and put a filling in from the back of the tooth. Right now I'm in a holding pattern to see if that truly got rid of the infection. If it didnt, I'll have to get the tooth pulled anyway. I'm a bit worried about that, as the area has started to be a little sensitive the past day and a half. I really hope I dont lose the tooth. It's a back molar, and wouldnt be missed that much, but I've spend a lot of money on it the past two months. My dental plan's annual limit is $1500, and I've done more than twice that on this one issue. Looks like I might slack off a little bit on other dental visits for the rest of the year...
In other news, I got a new phone. And I'm not on Verizon anymore. D'oh. I finally decided I was tired enough of carrying around both my ipod touch to keep up with emails and stuff, and my phone for phone calls... Well, you know how that ended. I'm now the proud owner of the iPhone 3GS. It's actually pretty sweet. I am surprised how noticable the speed difference is. Stuff launches more quickly, and runs more smoothly. The Katamari game seems to run very smoothly now. So with this change, my txt limit went up, so I'll probably be texting more. Which will be nice, as now just about no one I know will count as "mobile to mobile" calls. I have to say though, the line to get one was kind of nuts. I'm not an apple fanboy, and would not have done the launch day line ride, if I werent leaving for a trip, with my old Verizon plan not even offering national calling. The line was huge, and a little scary how many people were twittering on their old iphones about being in line to get their new iphones. Ew.
All in all, it's been a busy and expensive last couple of months. I never did do a blog on Sakuracon, and at this point it doesnt look like that's going to happen. But things are going well. If real life keeps you moving enough that you dont spend much time in front of the computer, that cant be a bad thing, can it?
So at the moment I'm taking a break from getting ready to head to the airport after bit. Work is sending me down to Irvine for a week for training on a piece of our new EMR software. I'm not actually looking forward to it that much, as I'm not wild about the week long interruption in my life. Especially since I'm a bit broke (more on that next paragraph), and cant tack on any extra days to go do fun stuff. However, I'm taking this all as a good thing. With the job market how it is, I'm choosing to interpret them sending me to training as a sign that my job is stable. Really, could I ask for much more than that right now? Anyways, if anyone has any reccomendations for some stuff to do in the evenings during the week in Irvine (I'm getting some spending money from the office, so cool restraunts/bars are just fine), I'd love to hear them.
Last month I had a dental checkup. Not surprisingly, this is the story that ends with me feeling kinda broke. Anyway, I've had this little lump that comes and goes on my gums for the past handful of years. The thought had been that it was an allergic reaction to something. So this time it was there when I was at the dentist, and it turns out it's an abscess. Ended up being that the root canal I had done like 7 or 8 years ago had failed, and I had a decent sized infection up there. Funny that it'd never hurt or anything. So first they tried a re-treat of the root canal that failed. Then they did a neat surgery called an apicoectomy, where they peel back the gums, cut a hole in the jawbone, then remove part of the tooth's roots and put a filling in from the back of the tooth. Right now I'm in a holding pattern to see if that truly got rid of the infection. If it didnt, I'll have to get the tooth pulled anyway. I'm a bit worried about that, as the area has started to be a little sensitive the past day and a half. I really hope I dont lose the tooth. It's a back molar, and wouldnt be missed that much, but I've spend a lot of money on it the past two months. My dental plan's annual limit is $1500, and I've done more than twice that on this one issue. Looks like I might slack off a little bit on other dental visits for the rest of the year...
In other news, I got a new phone. And I'm not on Verizon anymore. D'oh. I finally decided I was tired enough of carrying around both my ipod touch to keep up with emails and stuff, and my phone for phone calls... Well, you know how that ended. I'm now the proud owner of the iPhone 3GS. It's actually pretty sweet. I am surprised how noticable the speed difference is. Stuff launches more quickly, and runs more smoothly. The Katamari game seems to run very smoothly now. So with this change, my txt limit went up, so I'll probably be texting more. Which will be nice, as now just about no one I know will count as "mobile to mobile" calls. I have to say though, the line to get one was kind of nuts. I'm not an apple fanboy, and would not have done the launch day line ride, if I werent leaving for a trip, with my old Verizon plan not even offering national calling. The line was huge, and a little scary how many people were twittering on their old iphones about being in line to get their new iphones. Ew.
All in all, it's been a busy and expensive last couple of months. I never did do a blog on Sakuracon, and at this point it doesnt look like that's going to happen. But things are going well. If real life keeps you moving enough that you dont spend much time in front of the computer, that cant be a bad thing, can it?
Anyway, yes the herbal cleanse did awesomeness wonders, I've gone from 172lbs to 165. I realized that I needed to start losing weight when I found out that for my height, 174 is obese. Can you believe that shit? I'm not even fat! not skinny, either, but I had always figured me for average. The other thing to that I like about This Site is that there's not only weight loss products, but anything and everything for muscle gain, and also basic supplements/nutrients. Got joint pain? Joint ProMotion has a ton of glucosamine to help build up your cartilage and help promote smooth motion and flexibility. Want basic vitamins? CorePlex (and CorePlex with Iron) has 26 vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that your body needs to maintain optimal health. There's tons of stuff. Check it out...
I just moved to Cali months ago, and I think Irvine is actually close by. I know that in freaking February it hit a whopping 104 degrees. Can you believe it??? It's supposed to be 80s this week, hitting mid 90's in the weekend. I'm seriously going to melt this summer....I'm a total NorthWesterner.