2009 sure got here quickly!
Things have been good lately. It's a nice note on which to start the new year!
Christmas was fun. I've had the chance to see more of the people I missed on xmas due to the weather, and have been doing the belated gift exchange stuff. So far the gifts I've given seem to have gone over well. Jojo enjoyed her gifts, and gave me a very kitchen themed Christmas! She got me an icecream maker I'd had my eye on a few months ago, a new indoor grill (the neat George Foreman with the interchangable plates, my old grill was worn out), and a kit for making root beer. I havent used the root beer kit yet, but I am looking forward to it. When I was a little kid, we had a fridge in the garage that had a keg in it that was usually full of homemade rootbeer.
Ever since opening the box that it came in, the apartment smells like rootbeer, too. The extract is just that potent, even still sealed in it's bottle.
Also over the holidays I bought myself a new little server. It's actually a pretty cute little guy. It's the HP MediaSmart EX470, which I have been using to help get my home network a little bit more organized. I'm happy to see that my main PC is now doing nightly backups, and I will be getting the other computers in the house doing the same pretty soon. I havent decided what all to do with website hosting on it yet. The OS comes with a handy little web portal to access files and photos and stuff over the internet, but I think I may want to redesign and personalize it prior to opening it up to the general populace. However, I am getting my photos a little better organized, so I may be having more pictures in my blogs soon.
I've also been using it to organize all my old backups that I've accumulated over the years. That's....going to take a while. I started in on an older set today, and have been finding old songs and music videos and stuff I'd downloaded in 1994!!! Good god, file sizes were huge and video quality sucked back then! I was a patient teenager to put up with that on dial up!
New Years Eve was good. Got to go out with a good bit of the gang. There were some people missing, but it was good. Even met some new friends that seemed pretty cool. We did our usual pub crawl, which was a little bit of a bust... Quite a few bars were closed. What the hell? Since when do bars close up for NYE? We ended up ringing in the new year at On Deck, which is a little sports bar across the street from my place. It was surprisingly laid back there, and they handed out champagne to everyone before midnight, so all was good. I got to kiss Jojo at midnight, for our 3rd New Years together.
Then the first meal of the new year was breakfast at the 24 hour hotcase house together with my mom and Jojo, which I would say is a perfect way to begin, and also helped mask my hangover.
All in all this is probably a pretty boring blog update, but that's what I've been up to. My life seems to have slowed down just a little bit lately, and I am enjoying it. It's nice to have some peace from time to time. Hell, I've even been reading again.
I hope all of you have had a good start to this new year as well! Let's keep the good times coming!
Things have been good lately. It's a nice note on which to start the new year!

Christmas was fun. I've had the chance to see more of the people I missed on xmas due to the weather, and have been doing the belated gift exchange stuff. So far the gifts I've given seem to have gone over well. Jojo enjoyed her gifts, and gave me a very kitchen themed Christmas! She got me an icecream maker I'd had my eye on a few months ago, a new indoor grill (the neat George Foreman with the interchangable plates, my old grill was worn out), and a kit for making root beer. I havent used the root beer kit yet, but I am looking forward to it. When I was a little kid, we had a fridge in the garage that had a keg in it that was usually full of homemade rootbeer.

Also over the holidays I bought myself a new little server. It's actually a pretty cute little guy. It's the HP MediaSmart EX470, which I have been using to help get my home network a little bit more organized. I'm happy to see that my main PC is now doing nightly backups, and I will be getting the other computers in the house doing the same pretty soon. I havent decided what all to do with website hosting on it yet. The OS comes with a handy little web portal to access files and photos and stuff over the internet, but I think I may want to redesign and personalize it prior to opening it up to the general populace. However, I am getting my photos a little better organized, so I may be having more pictures in my blogs soon.
I've also been using it to organize all my old backups that I've accumulated over the years. That's....going to take a while. I started in on an older set today, and have been finding old songs and music videos and stuff I'd downloaded in 1994!!! Good god, file sizes were huge and video quality sucked back then! I was a patient teenager to put up with that on dial up!
New Years Eve was good. Got to go out with a good bit of the gang. There were some people missing, but it was good. Even met some new friends that seemed pretty cool. We did our usual pub crawl, which was a little bit of a bust... Quite a few bars were closed. What the hell? Since when do bars close up for NYE? We ended up ringing in the new year at On Deck, which is a little sports bar across the street from my place. It was surprisingly laid back there, and they handed out champagne to everyone before midnight, so all was good. I got to kiss Jojo at midnight, for our 3rd New Years together.

All in all this is probably a pretty boring blog update, but that's what I've been up to. My life seems to have slowed down just a little bit lately, and I am enjoying it. It's nice to have some peace from time to time. Hell, I've even been reading again.
I hope all of you have had a good start to this new year as well! Let's keep the good times coming!
sounds like you had some fun...Christmas I hung out at home with my boyfriend, we would have gone to portland to my mom's, but we were snowed in...NYE I had a couple beers and went to sleep...nothing major..I have only gotten gifts from the bf so far: an iPhone and a Garmin gps system...I still haven't gotten to portland yet. not because of snow but from our work schedules. I suppose I will soon though.