I hope everyone had a good weekend!
Mine was pretty good. Despite being under the weather, I went out Saturday to see She Wants Revenge, which was an awesome concert. It was also the first time I'd gotten to see Climber, which is definitely a cool band. I did have a bit of a disjointed evening though. I think the cold meds werent as far out of my system as I thought they were before I got myself a bit tipsy.
Nothing quite like cold meds and booze to make you feel a bit messed up. Despite that, I am recovering well. I'm a little concerned about my concert going here. The past few concerts I've gone to, I've caught something the week prior to the show. I normally dont get sick all that much, so that just seems odd. If I stop going to shows, will I not get sick anymore?
Life is okay right now. I keep becoming more focused on some goals. This is good.
Mine was pretty good. Despite being under the weather, I went out Saturday to see She Wants Revenge, which was an awesome concert. It was also the first time I'd gotten to see Climber, which is definitely a cool band. I did have a bit of a disjointed evening though. I think the cold meds werent as far out of my system as I thought they were before I got myself a bit tipsy.

Life is okay right now. I keep becoming more focused on some goals. This is good.
I knew better. . .but you know how it is, it's just sitting there, all put together and working fine, just screaming to be taken apart.
I knew better but i just needed someone to talk some sense into me not to take apart the computer whew
Cold medicine can be a good stand-alone high sometimes. But not really good with drinks, no.