I love this woman!
She was just great in concert last night. She was coming down with a cold, but still rocked Dante's. Particularly sweet was that she didnt miss any of my favourite songs.
I ended up buying a second copy of her newest album, which I got autographed. I really wish I had known that Dante's was allowing cameras for this. At the end of the show when she was doing autographs, I got a picture of her and I together taken with my cell phone. It's up in my pics folder, but it didnt turn out very well.
Still, that's just awesome.
My energy levels still arent back to where they should be!
That damn flu from last week really kicked my ass. But the stuffy-headedness is subsiding, and I can sleep without my head propped up again, so things are getting better.
I've had a lot of crap running around through my head lately, and I'm tempted to pour it all into this journal entry just to get it out there, and maybe to help me take inventory of it all. I think I will, so just consider all the rest of this journal inconsequental blathering. Read it only if you wish.
She was just great in concert last night. She was coming down with a cold, but still rocked Dante's. Particularly sweet was that she didnt miss any of my favourite songs.
My energy levels still arent back to where they should be!
I've had a lot of crap running around through my head lately, and I'm tempted to pour it all into this journal entry just to get it out there, and maybe to help me take inventory of it all. I think I will, so just consider all the rest of this journal inconsequental blathering. Read it only if you wish.
Actually, it's a baby rat. That must have been two years ago? She and her sis are getting old now, but they are the sweetest we have ever had.
ya it would!!