Few things in this life really piss me off.
Right now I really want to find out which unit one of my neighbors lives in so I can go punch his face in.
Slowly rolling up to the opening parking garage door on my bike, this fucktard swerves around me, just about takes the front end off my bike, and probably would have if I hadnt just about laid it down, only to zip ahead to his parking spot and scamper up the back stairs, all the while never stopping his conversation on his cell phone.
If he hadnt just about caused an accident, he'd have come in behind me into the parking garage, and parked it 10 seconds later.
I think I'm going to go leave a polite note under his wiper to kindly not run his neighbors over, and maybe, just maybe, pay less attention to his phone while driving.
Edited to add: Just to clarify, I'm not a violent person.
I've never seriously gone off on anyone, ever. Now that I've had a brief bit of cooldown time, I'm back to my usual mildly-dissapointed-with-humanity-in-general self.
Right now I really want to find out which unit one of my neighbors lives in so I can go punch his face in.
Slowly rolling up to the opening parking garage door on my bike, this fucktard swerves around me, just about takes the front end off my bike, and probably would have if I hadnt just about laid it down, only to zip ahead to his parking spot and scamper up the back stairs, all the while never stopping his conversation on his cell phone.
If he hadnt just about caused an accident, he'd have come in behind me into the parking garage, and parked it 10 seconds later.
I think I'm going to go leave a polite note under his wiper to kindly not run his neighbors over, and maybe, just maybe, pay less attention to his phone while driving.
Edited to add: Just to clarify, I'm not a violent person.
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