So, just a few small things to update on.
Got part of my tattoo this afternoon. The fellow before me ended up running a bit long, and I didnt really mind putting the colour off, so I'll be getting the colours done in a couple weeks. For now though, I've got the outlines done. It looks sweeeeeet. I'll have to put some pictures up once the dressing is off. Now I just wish it werent telling me that I should scratch at it.
I brought up the whole grossly underpaid thing at work. I'm pleasantly optimistic that my employers may actually work on fixing that. I really have to say, it feels good to finally be doing something about that. No surprised to anyone, but I should have done something sooner!
So Friday night plans seem to be falling through right and left here. Grar! Although, I seem to be coming down from the high of the tattoo thing here, and am feeling drowsy all of a sudden. I suppose I could always just spend tonight in, and go to bed early. That isnt TOO sad, is it?
Got part of my tattoo this afternoon. The fellow before me ended up running a bit long, and I didnt really mind putting the colour off, so I'll be getting the colours done in a couple weeks. For now though, I've got the outlines done. It looks sweeeeeet. I'll have to put some pictures up once the dressing is off. Now I just wish it werent telling me that I should scratch at it.
I brought up the whole grossly underpaid thing at work. I'm pleasantly optimistic that my employers may actually work on fixing that. I really have to say, it feels good to finally be doing something about that. No surprised to anyone, but I should have done something sooner!
So Friday night plans seem to be falling through right and left here. Grar! Although, I seem to be coming down from the high of the tattoo thing here, and am feeling drowsy all of a sudden. I suppose I could always just spend tonight in, and go to bed early. That isnt TOO sad, is it?
I have been trying to get to bed early (between 12:00 and 2:00)
and getting up early